What We Do
HP+ is providing technical assistance to Global Fund recipients in Africa, Central and Eastern Europe, South America, and Southeast Asia to help them plan for the transition from external to domestic funding of their health systems—including their HIV responses—and explore “social contracting.”
We are supporting countries to develop and/or strengthen transition strategies and ensure those strategies are informed by multi-stakeholder transition readiness assessments. We are also supporting efforts to establish and implement social contracting mechanisms through which governments can finance civil society organizations to provide prevention, care, and service delivery—ensuring the sustainability of HIV and other health services. Specifically, we are helping countries to:
- Maximize impact through transition readiness assessments, action plans, strategies, and advocacy roadmaps
- Implement transition readiness assessments using the Global Fund and PEPFAR guidance and tools in collaboration with country stakeholders
- Design transition or sustainability plans/strategies/roadmaps with clear roles and responsibilities and key indicators for monitoring progress
- Strengthen the capacity of key stakeholders to effectively engage in readiness assessments and the strategic design of transition or enhanced co-financing strategies, workplans, and proposals
- Identify macro or micro components of health systems for HIV, tuberculosis, or malaria transition planning (e.g., commodities, human resources for health, laboratory)
- Support the refinement of various Global Fund transition planning and assessment tools
- Identify country-specific governance challenges and solutions for transition
- Implement regulations for social contracting mechanisms to sustain and scale-up health service delivery in the face of donor declines
- Build sustainable, long-term HIV responses by strengthening government and civil society partnerships
- Overcome legal, regulatory, structural, human resources, financial, and political barriers to supporting and contracting with civil society organizations to provide services
- Strengthen government capacity and systems to manage the procurement and implementation of services through civil society organizations
- Identify resource needs for meeting ambitious HIV targets and epidemic control by 2030