International Women's Day: Choose to Challenge
For IWD2021, HP+ has rounded up examples of how our work helps people across the globe #ChooseToChallenge gender bias and inequality. Join the discussion on Twitter to share how you #ChooseToChallenge. Tweet to @HlthPolicyPlus
Pandemic “responses need to take an equitable approach to ensure that the concerns of all people are addressed.” HP+ offers 5 ways you can #ChooseToChallenge the inequitable experience of COVID-19 for women and other vulnerable groups.
At HP+ we #ChooseToChallenge the status quo of family planning programming with our new FP Equity Model that helps countries identify, diagnose, and address inequalities.
HP+ and BurkinaFaso #ChooseToChallenge barriers to accessing family planning with a new regulations that extend rights to reproductive health and family planning to all persons of childbearing age, including adolescents.
Champions Secure Strengthened Reproductive Health Law, FP Access for all in Burkina Faso
Mauritania and HP+ #ChooseToChallenge inequities with a new law defining reproductive health as a universal right and prohibiting GBV.
Mauritania Adopts a Law on Reproductive Health after Sustained Advocacy Efforts
We #ChooseToChallenge the persistent, systematic inequalities, like the lack of family planning method choice, that prevent countries from reaching UHC. For more, see our series on LAC.
In Cambodia, an HP+-supported community-managed health fund is enabling rural poor and vulnerable pops to access high-quality healthcare services, including 970 families to weather the impacts of COVID-19.
Supporting Vulnerable Populations through Community-Managed Health Funds in Cambodia
In Mali, where 45% of women over 15 years report having experienced violence, faith leaders #ChooseToChallenge GBV.
At HP+, we #ChooseToChallenge user fees. See how Kenya abolished user fees for expecting moms and integrated its maternity program into social health insurance to ensure longer-term insurance coverage for women.
Why Policy Matters: Free Maternal Healthcare in Kenya Saves Lives
This IWD2021, we #ChooseToChallenge child marriage. See how advocates in Guatemala helped to close a loophole, putting an end to early marriage.
Guatemalan Civil Society Networks Gain Success in Ending Child Marriage
At HP+, we #ChooseToChallenge disrespect and abuse and instead support the role of midwives and women’s right to high-quality, respectful maternity care.
This IWD2021, we #ChooseToChallenge cervical cancer, working with the government of Malawi to implement and monitor a national cervical cancer program.
'I Am And I Will': Malawi Strengthens Cervical Cancer Programming
We #ChooseToChallenge inadequate healthcare for poor and vulnerable communities. See how Nigeria is mounting sweeping health reforms to tackle inequalities and extend healthcare and health insurance to all its citizens.
Why Policy Matters: Reforms Lead to a Healthy Outlook for Nigerians