What We Do
The course outline can be found below. For more information about the course or to obtain a copy of a sample lecture, contact: policyinfo@thepalladiumgroup.com.
Week 1
Understanding the Policy Landscape
Week 2
The Research-to-Policy Gap
Week 3
Fundamentals of the Policy Process
Week 4
Introduction to Policy Modelling
Week 5
Population and Development
Week 6
DemProj Module within Spectrum
Week 7
FamPlan Module within Spectrum
Week 8
RAPID Module within Spectrum
Week 9
ImpactNow Model
Week 10
DemDiv Model
Week 11
FP-SDGs Model
Week 12
Strategic Communications I
Week 13
Strategic Communications II
Week 14
Effective Presentations and Data Visualization
Week 15
Revision Week
Week 16
Exam Week