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  • The PANCAP Stigma Framework was developed with assistance from the USAID- and PEPFAR-supported Health Policy Project in response to regional and national requests made to PANCAP for direction on responding to stigma and discrimination in the Caribbean. Stigma and discrimination continue to be key drivers of the Caribbean HIV epidemic and are major obstacles to effective responses. Their impact on Caribbean health and development is wide ranging. HPP provided technical and financial support for PANCAP partners with experience in reducing stigma and discrimination to review existing frameworks and Caribbean tools to inform the drafting of a comprehensive approach. A small group of technical experts from HPP drafted the initial framework to meet the needs of small countries, island states, and emerging nations. This framework has initially engaged and will serve to strengthen the capacity of national HIV programs to develop, implement, and monitor effective policies and programs, and to address HIV in a sustainable manner at the national level. The PANCAP Stigma Framework is built on three components, health and development, collective empowerment, and social justice and gender equality, which are crucial in addressing the Caribbean response to HIV-related stigma and discrimination.