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Browse Health Policy Project (2010-2016) Materials

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  • The OneHealth Model (OneHealth) is a tool for medium term (3 to 10 years) strategic planning in the health sector at the national level, ideally suited for public sector planners. It estimates the costs by disease program, as well as estimating the costs of utilizing the health system building blocks in delivering the targets involved in the disease programs. In Kenya, at the request of the Ministries of Health, HPP provided technical assistance in applying OneHealth to cost the Kenya Health Sector Strategic Plan III, 2012-2017, reflecting the interventions under the Kenya Essential PAckage of Health, as well as national disease strategies for programs that include HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, non-communicable diseases, maternal, reproductive and child health, etc. The results include an assessment of the overall financial gap between resources needed and the government and donor resources available for all years of the analysis. This brief is intended for a policy audience in Kenya to support sustainable health sector planning, and may be of interest to other countries in the region who wish to apply OneHealth or similar approaches to assessing costs and financial gaps.