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  • Developed by the USAID-funded Health Policy Project, the Integrating Gender into Scale-up Mapping Tool is designed to provide program managers with a methodology to systematically integrate gender into scale-up initiatives. The process begins with a gender-based analysis to identify factors that influence women’s and men’s experiences related to health and the best practice to be scaled up. The findings from the analysis are then used to inform development of a scale-up road map with a gender lens. The mapping tool enables the user to identify when gender-based constraints may arise during the scale-up process, and develop strategies to address constraints and opportunities to reduce gender inequality during scale-up. Lastly, the user will develop indicators to monitor both the scale-up process and the gender strategies incorporated into the scale-up process. At the end of the mapping exercise, the user will have a concrete plan outlining the gender barriers that may arise throughout the scale-up process, strategies for addressing these barriers, and indicators to monitor both the scale-up process and the gender strategies incorporated into the process.

    This tool features a gender analysis template and the Integrating Gender into Scale-up Mapping template. Illustrative examples for completing the mapping template are also provided.