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Browse Health Policy Project (2010-2016) Materials

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  • This report covers an evaluation of the collaboration between the Ministry of Health of the Indian State of Jharkhand and the Health Policy Project to conduct a program (Nov. 2012-July 2013) to strengthen capacities at state, district, and sub-district levels to effectively implement the 2010 family planning  strategy.  It included training, mentoring, and supportive supervision. A State Resource Group of master trainers from government and civil society supported the 4-person Family Planning Cell. A pre/post-implementation quantitative and qualitative assessment highlighted that although the implementation period was short, systems were strengthened and laid a solid basis for achieving  Jharkhand’s FP goals.  The assessment highlighted improvements in timely data updates (from 27% to 91%),  increased stocks of FP commodities and IEC materials, and wider availability of doctors trained in clinical services. Budget allocations for spacing methods increased and the FP Cell invested in training health staff on counseling and  IUD skills. Staff reported an improved attitude toward information sharing and joint problem solving.  The 3-district pilot program has been scaled up in 11 additional high-need districts.