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  • The Policy Analysis and Advocacy Decision Model for Services for People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) is a collection of tools designed by the USAID-funded Health Policy Project and the Eurasian Harm Reduction Network to help stakeholders create an inventory of country policies, analyze these policies against international best practices and human rights frameworks, assess policy implementation, and create a strategic advocacy plan. The primary goal of the model is to identify the policies that most directly affect access to and sustainability of key PWID services and the needs and opportunities for policy advocacy that will improve access to services, even while larger, long-term human rights policies remain deficient.

    The Decision Model is intended for global application but includes special attention to the policy issues facing Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Stakeholders can use the tools to identify restrictive, poorly written, and absent policies that impact the access to and sustainability of key services for PWID including HIV counseling and testing, antiretroviral therapy, hepatitis and tuberculosis services, opioid substitution therapy, and needle and syringe programs. These services are analyzed within the settings of community-based programs, pre-trial detention, prison, and institutions that have custody of minors. The policy areas under consideration are extensive, with more than 1,300 policy points for analysis. Policy areas include service coordination; data use and decisionmaking; participation of PWID in decisionmaking, service delivery and evaluation; consent; personal data; stigma and discrimination; criminal sanctions; gender-based violence; human rights; procurement and supply management; eligibility; funding; and service delivery protocols.

    A companion decision model geared specifically toward males who have sex with males, transgender people, and sex workers (Policy Analysis and Advocacy Decision Model for HIV-Related Services: Males Who Have Sex with Males, Transgender People, and Sex Workers) is also available.