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Browse Health Policy Project (2010-2016) Materials

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List entries are alphabetical by title and contain the title, abstract, and then the filename which is hyperlinked and will open in a new browser window. Most files are PDFs. There may be multiple files per abstract.


  • Following the 2010 earthquake, Haiti has attracted increased interest as a source for international adoptions. Yet groups interested in child welfare and protection feared irregularities in the child adoption process. In 2012, Haiti ratified the Hague Convention which enshrines the principle that international adoption should be considered a protective measure, to ensure a child's best interest. It took the establishment of a new law in Haiti to ensure that national legal provisions conformed with the Hague Convention. The Haitian government passed the "Loi réformant l'Adoption” (the law reforming adoption), which was published in October 2013. This brief explains the rationale for and the purpose of this new law. It also describes the Haitian Government’s efforts to reform the legal framework for child protection, with the technical support of international actors including the  HPP AKSE project, funded by the U.S. Agency for  International Development (USAID) and implemented by Futures Group.