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Browse Health Policy Project (2010-2016) Materials

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List entries are alphabetical by title and contain the title, abstract, and then the filename which is hyperlinked and will open in a new browser window. Most files are PDFs. There may be multiple files per abstract.


  • Countries in West Africa (WA) have made significant progress in addressing the HIV epidemic. However, HIV prevalence among sex workers (SWs) and men who have sex with men (MSM) remains high, and data are unavailable for transgender (TG) populations. Services that meet the needs of SWs, MSM, and TG are often unavailable outside of major cities. Stigma and discrimination (S&D) against key populations impact service uptake and increase migration, making it harder to reach these populations. Policies—such as laws, national strategies, and operational procedures—impact service availability and uptake. To inform decisionmakers and improve access to HIV-related services for mobile SWs, MSM, and TG populations in West Africa, the USAID- and PEPFAR-funded Health Policy Project (HPP) conducted an analysis of key policies in countries along the Abidjan-Lagos corridor and Burkina Faso.