Browse Health Policy Project (2010-2016) Materials
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Country and regional assignments reflect those made at the time of production and may not correspond to current USAID designations.
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This report summarizes the content and format of an advanced training on the OneHealth Tool (OHT) conducted by HPP for policymakers in Zambia. It also covers preliminary discussions on next steps for finalizing the reproductive, neonatal, maternal and child health projection in OHT, as well as solidifying the Ministry of Community Development and Mother and Child Health’s capacity to use OHT independently and analyze the results for program and policy decision making.
- 846_FINALOHTWorkshopReport.pdf 7055.49 kb
This summary presents the findings, observations, and recommendations of the quantification of the costs of the Strategic Development Plan for the Health Sector (PDSS) from 2015 to 2019 in Madagascar. The PDSS includes an articulation of global health priorities, approaches to the implementation, and resource commitments required by the Government of Madagascar to meet healthcare goals. The Health Policy Project team used the OneHealth model to quantify the costs. The OHT can calculate the cost not only health interventions but also those of managing these health programs and cross-cutting costs of health systems, such as human resources, infrastructure and governance.
- 480_HPPOHTMadagFINAL.pdf 4542.65 kb
The National AIDS Control Program (NACP) in the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MoHSW), with support from the USAID-funded Health Policy Project (HPP), engaged in a stakeholder-driven process to estimate the costs of the Third Health Sector HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan (HSHSP III) for the fiscal years 2013/2014-2017/2018. This report describes the HSHSP III costing process and shows the cost results by NACP program unit and HSHSP III impact area and strategic objective.
- 841_HSHSPIIIcostingreportFINAL.pdf 552.56 kb
As the Government of Botswana (GOB) moves forward with a plan to expand coverage of health services, increasing the “value for money” of current health service delivery and identifying new financing sources is critical. As part of the 2010 Integrated Health Service Plan, a 10-year strategic plan for the health sector, the Ministry of Health (MOH) will introduce the Essential Health Services Package (EHSP)—health interventions to be provided as part of a package to the entire population. Although understanding the costs of delivering health interventions and the major cost drivers is critical to expanding the health sector, current knowledge of these costs is limited. This study aims to shed light on the overall costs of key interventions that address the major disease burden in Botswana.
The study comprised two parts. In Part I, the Health Policy Project (HPP) technical team assessed the unit costs of providing specific HIV interventions at two levels of service delivery. In Part II, the team used the OneHealth tool (Avenir Health, n.d.) to project the overall resources required between 2013 and 2018 to provide EHSP services, based on normative inputs.
- 1876_HPPBotswanaOneHealthR.pdf 3248.58 kb
In order to expand and ensure widespread access to healthcare services and protect households from what are termed "catastrophic" health expenditures, Kenya needs alternative and sustainable healthcare financing mechanisms. The Health Policy Project supported the government of Kenya to analyze the long-term health delivery costs and health financing options available to the country. Employing a number of economic and health financing tools, the analysis, Healthcare Financing Options for Kenya: FY 2013/14–2029/30, revealed a need to increase domestic financing and improve the efficiency of the service delivery and social health insurance systems. Results from the analysis will be used to support the country’s move toward universal health coverage.
- 313_KenyaLongTermFinancingReportFINAL.pdf 1983.43 kb
The OneHealth Model (OneHealth) is a tool for medium term (3 to 10 years) strategic planning in the health sector at the national level, ideally suited for public sector planners. It estimates the costs by disease program, as well as estimating the costs of utilizing the health system building blocks in delivering the targets involved in the disease programs. In Kenya, at the request of the Ministries of Health, HPP provided technical assistance in applying OneHealth to cost the Kenya Health Sector Strategic Plan III, 2012-2017, reflecting the interventions under the Kenya Essential PAckage of Health, as well as national disease strategies for programs that include HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, non-communicable diseases, maternal, reproductive and child health, etc. The results include an assessment of the overall financial gap between resources needed and the government and donor resources available for all years of the analysis. This brief is intended for a policy audience in Kenya to support sustainable health sector planning, and may be of interest to other countries in the region who wish to apply OneHealth or similar approaches to assessing costs and financial gaps.
- 161_OneHealthKenyaReportFORMATTEDEC.pdf 1494.52 kb
Tanzania's Ministry of Health and Social Welfare chose the OneHealth Tool, a model for medium- to long-term strategic planning in the health sector, to inform development and prioritization of the Fourth Health Sector Strategic Plan 2015/16–2019/20 (HSSP IV). Specifically, the OneHealth Tool was used to estimate the resource requirements and resources available for the health sector over the next five years, the impact on maternal and child health and HIV if HSSP IV service delivery targets are met, and the human resources constraints in scaling up health services. The results of Tanzania's OneHealth application are summarized in this report and provide an evidence base for strategic planning and resource allocation.
- 527_FINALTZOneHealthreport.pdf 7894.70 kb
In the past decade, PEPFAR has committed significant technical and financial resources to the fight against HIV, working with local partners in target countries to promote prevention programs, increase the number of patients receiving ART, and strengthen national coordination and monitoring of programs. As donor funding stagnates and developing economies grow, it is critical to identify long-term, sustainable sources of domestic funding for HIV to maintain and build upon the successes achieved by low- and middle-income-countries in partnership with PEPFAR.
As part of PEPFAR’s Sustainable Financing Initiative to increase domestic resource for HIV, HPP created a baseline assessment of the current state of HIV financing in Uganda against which future achievements in domestic resource mobilization can be measured. The assessment analyzes current resource commitments against projected need, estimates future domestic resource needs, and examines efficiency and equity in the use of funds.
- 2877_UgandaHIVFinancing.pdf 673.61 kb
The Health Policy Project (HPP) offers user-friendly software, computer models, and tools to help in-country partners understand the magnitude of health challenges, explore policy and resource options, and set priorities as they develop strategies to improve the health of their citizens. The project has recently completed a series of fliers on some of HPP’s useful tools and approaches. They provide excellent overviews of the following:
- Costed Implementation Plans
- DemDiv
- ImpactNow
- OneHealth Tool
- GeoHealth Mapping
For your convenience we have also included our flier on all Software and Models. You can download the tools from our Software and Models page.
- Costed Implementation Plans flyer 874_CIPonepager.pdf 321.27 kb
- DMPPT flyer 874_DMPPTflyer.pdf 278.66 kb
- DemDiv flyer 874_DemDivflyer.pdf 274.81 kb
- GeoHealth flyer 874_GeoHealthflyer.pdf 534.76 kb
- ImpactNow flyer 874_ImpactNowflyer.pdf 251.69 kb
- OneHealth flyer 874_OneHealthflyer.pdf 305.80 kb
- RAPID flyer 874_RAPIDflyer.pdf 320.32 kb
- Software and Models flyer 874_SoftwareandModelsflyer.pdf 227.75 kb
- 2203.93 kb