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GAP Tool

  • The United Nations Population Fund and the USAID-funded Health Policy Project used the Gather, Analyze, and Plan (GAP) Tool to analyze data on Zimbabwe’s demographic patterns and family planning (FP) costs. The analysis is intended to give decisionmakers in Zimbabwe a picture of the additional investment in FP that will be needed to achieve the country’s FP2020 goals.

  • The GAP Tool (Gather, Analyze, and Plan) is a simple Excel-based tool designed to help policymakers, ministry officials, health officials, and advocates understand and plan for the costs associated with expanding family planning (FP) to achieve their country's contraceptive prevalence or fertility goals. This PowerPoint presentation provides a brief overview of the benefits of and major steps for applying the GAP Tool and includes highlights from a pilot application of the tool in Ethiopia and Nigeria.  

  • The GAP Tool (Gather, Analyze, and Plan) is a simple Excel-based tool designed to help policymakers, ministry officials, health officials, and advocates understand and plan for the costs associated with expanding family planning (FP) to achieve their country's contraceptive prevalence or fertility goals. This brief provides a brief overview of the benefits of and major steps for applying the GAP Tool and includes highlights from a pilot application of the tool in Ethiopia and Nigeria.