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HP+ More recent Guatemala publications are available.

  • Glossary of definitions relating to gender and health.
  • From January 20022004, the POLICY Project and key stakeholders undertook an intensive, systematic policy analysis process that resulted in identifying two priority regulatory actions critical for reducing barriers to family planning and reproductive health (FP/RH); both actions were ultimately agreed to by Guatemalas Minister of Health, Dr. Julio Molina-Avilés. In January 2004, during his last weeks in office, Molina-Avilés signed a ministerial order that explicitly included the National Reproductive Health Program (NRHP) among the ministrys official health programs, effectively providing the policy and organizational foundation required to assure continuity of government-sponsored FP/RH service delivery under future administrations. He also supported modification of an existing government order that would define the NRHPs structure and functions and incorporated this and other stakeholder proposals for policy reform into the transition plan prepared for the incoming administration. The actions marked the end of a four-year period of support of FP/RH in Guatemala, as some members of the newly-elected incoming government vowed to reverse gains in FP/RH programs. Their task will be more difficult now because of the ministers actions and the broad political and popular support these actions received. This report traces the policy analysis process undertaken by stakeholders and POLICY by describing the context, methodology, sequence of events, major policy challenges, and the stakeholders involved in its successful outcome.
    Guatemala CP final report.doc
  • Worldwide, over 500,000 women and girls die of complications related to pregnancy and childbirth each year. The tragedy - and opportunity - is that most of these deaths can be prevented with cost-effective health care services. POLICY's MNPI series provides country-specific data on maternal and neonatal health programs in more than 30 developing countries. Based on a study conducted by the Futures Group and funded through the MEASURE Evaluation Project, the MNPI is a tool that can be used to: Assess current health care services; Identify program strengths and weaknesses; Plan strategies to address deficiencies; Encourage political and popular support for appropriate action; and Track progress over time.
  • English
  • Spanish
  • Spanish
  • The 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo stressed the importance of gender and noted that reproductive health programs should be implemented from a gender perspective. However, little has been written about how reproductive health programs that focus on improving quality of care and access to care can integrate gender. This paper describes the experiences of three types of programs (government, reproductive health NGO, and women’s health NGO) in Kenya, India, and Guatemala that integrate gender in their work and examines how they integrate gender into programs that improve quality of care and access to care. It should be emphasized that this report does not document whether gender integration results in higher quality and access, but rather documents how gender integration can take place. This report is based on data that were collected in the three countries, through interviews with a total of 27 program staff and 34 providers and through focus groups with 136 clients. These three types of programs engage clients in the clinic and community setting in a manner closely related to their mandates and perspectives on gender. In the government and reproductive health (RH) NGOs, the emphasis is on quality and access, with gender included as a means to reach those goals. The women’s NGOs have the mandate to first promote gender equity (primarily through women’s empowerment), and also to use it as a means to promote reproductive health care. The organizations with the strongest internal gender policies, namely the women’s and RH NGOs, are also the most committed to integrating gender into their programs for clients. The RH NGOs are most committed to gender equity or equal participation of women and men in the organization.