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De Frente a la VIDA is a photojournal that features the stories of 10 people living with HIV/AIDS in Mexico. It was developed as part of POLICY's "Mo Kexteya" Project on stigma and discrimination in Mexico. Media reporting and images can profoundly influence public perceptions of HIV/AIDS. This photojournal aims to help change stereotypical portrayals of PLHAs by presenting positive images of PLHAs and their everyday experiences in a range of settings. The photojournal is being used in advocacy work and in journalist training sessions to help improve reporting on HIV/AIDS and people affected by the disease.
MoKexteya.cfmThe objective of POLICY’s HIV/AIDS Program in Mexico is “to support the government’s effort to enhance the quality and sustainability of HIV/AIDS/STI services in targeted states.” The focus of the project in the three initial states of Yucatán, Guerrero and Mexico has been to promote coalition building and a participatory strategic planning process among diverse stakeholders. POLICY has worked in Mexico at the bequest of and in close collaboration with CENSIDA, the national agency responsible for oversight of HIV/AIDS services and prevention programs in Mexico. The principal purposes of the evaluation were to understand what worked well, where POLICY’s tools have been most successful, and what could be learned from mistakes. The evaluation was also an opportunity to elicit some lessons learned from the Multisectoral Citizens’ Groups (MCGs) in the first three states where the project has been active and to codify some common principles from POLICY’s process from the varied experiences in different states. Another area of inquiry focused on identifying other complementary processes that POLICY and CENSIDA could employ to strengthen the effectiveness of governmental and nongovernmental groups in transforming the policy process in targeted states. There was general agreement among all of the project’s stakeholders that they had made significant contributions to improvements in HIV/AIDS prevention activities and in the quality of services in Mexico by supporting local initiatives. Similarly, there was strong praise for the quality and dedication of the POLICY staff. In particular, the clients in the three states interviewed during the evaluation expressed an overwhelmingly positive experience with the project. The project has supported the formation of active MCGs in three states (Guerrero, Mexico, and Yucatán). Project staff also tried to organize a similar group in the Federal District (D.F.) but found that it was difficult to build the same level of commitment and coordination. Instead of supporting the formation of a MCG in the D.F., POLICY helped to develop a local council for HIV/AIDS prevention (CODFSIDA). Toward the end of 2001 POLICY had expanded its work to Campeche, Chiapas, Oaxaca, Quintana Roo, and Veracruz. The MCG in Yucatán will work with the groups in Campeche and Quintana Roo. This represents a new phase in the project whereby older groups provide technical assistance for the formation of new groups. Another innovation is that local groups in the newly participating states are conducted by the members of the multisectoral groups rather than by outside consultants.
MEX_GenHIV_Agenda.pdfThroughout the world, a number of countries are facing withdrawal of funding and technical assistance for their family planning programs. This trend, known throughout the family planning community as “phaseout” or “graduation,” is occurring for various reasons. In many countries, phaseout is linked to the success of the family planning program and the ability of the country program to become self-reliant. As donors, missions, and governments make decisions to phaseout family planning support and create strategies for transitioning to an independent program, there is a need to reflect on experiences from past phaseouts. This case study of Mexico provides an in-depth look at a national family planning program before, during, and after phaseout and documents the lessons learned from that process.
Mexico_Phaseout_of_FP_Donor_Suppot_Report.pdfWorldwide, over 500,000 women and girls die of complications related to pregnancy and childbirth each year. The tragedy - and opportunity - is that most of these deaths can be prevented with cost-effective health care services. POLICY's MNPI series provides country-specific data on maternal and neonatal health programs in more than 30 developing countries. Based on a study conducted by the Futures Group and funded through the MEASURE Evaluation Project, the MNPI is a tool that can be used to: Assess current health care services; Identify program strengths and weaknesses; Plan strategies to address deficiencies; Encourage political and popular support for appropriate action; and Track progress over time.
2005Mexico.pdfIn August 2002, the first phase of POLICY Project's Core Package on the Reduction of Stigma and Discrimination Related to HIV/AIDS in Mexico (Proyecto Mo Kexteya) was launched in response to a request from the Mexican National Center for the Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS (CENSIDA) to help develop indicators for a baseline measure of stigma and discrimination in Mexico and to identify innovative approaches to reducing this stigma. Completed in January 2004, the phase-a diagnostic phase-was designed to lay the groundwork for reducing HIV/AIDS-related stigma and discrimination by addressing it in a holistic manner through careful analysis and by developing replicable interventions. This report examines the four components of the diagnostic phase and outlines the process of developing an action plan to mobilize partners, build a policy dialogue, and undertake interventions to reduce stigma and discrimination. It also highlights some of the main results.
Mexico CP Final Report 1 11 06.docThis report focuses on the role of midwives in the prevention, detection, and treatment of HIV/AIDS and STIs and is based on a study in a rural community in Mexico. The document provides recommendations for improving the relationship between midwives and public health programs to better equip midwives to prevent, detect, and treat STIs and HIV/AIDS.
MEX_Midwives_STI.pdfThis brief reviews the main public sector adolescent reproductive health (ARH) programs in Buenos Aires, Argentina; Sao Paulo, Brazil; and Mexico D.F., Mexico, examining characteristics of ARH service facilities, factors that facilitate providers’ work, and users’ perspectives. The study provides important lessons for other countries interested in designing programs that ensure good adolescent reproductive health. It suggests that young people will respond to holistic health care and seek services where they are treated with respect and recommends providing specialized services to adolescents as part of all reproductive health programs.
pm-07.pdfThis study documents experiences and analyzes the underlying causes and factors related to availability, access, effectiveness, and gaps in health services for women living with HIV or AIDS. The report also provides recommendations for formulating a sensitive and appropriate response to the healthcare needs of women living with HIV/AIDS and improving HIV prevention.
MEX_WomenLWHA.pdfUSAID and its cooperating agencies are studying procurement issues and options for countries that no longer receive USAID and/or international donor support for contraceptive commodities, including Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, and Mexico. This report summarizes the key findings from Mexico. The review of Mexico's contraceptive procurement practices suggests that almost seven years after the phaseout of USAID support, public health institutions—particularly the Ministry of Health—are still facing some challenges in ensuring the availability of high-quality, affordable contraceptive supplies.
383_1_Procurement_Options_Mexico_FINAL.pdfThis one page flyer highlights the accomplishments of POLICY's multisectoral citizen's groups in Mexico.