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Manuals, Guidelines
This guide provides an interactive approach to provide simple tools to assist in the process of formulating realistic and context specific plan to guide the future HIV/AIDS work in the Anglican Community.
AimmanR.pdfLe Modèle sur l'impact du SIDA, connu sous le sigle AIM, est un programme informatique permettant de projeter l'impact de l'épidémie du SIDA. Il peut être utilisé pour projeter le nombre futur d'infections par le VIH, de cas de SIDA et de décès imputables au SIDA à partir d'une hypothèse sur la prévalence du VIH chez les adultes. Il peut également projeter les impacts démographiques et sociaux du SIDA. Ensuite, ces projections peuvent être utilisées sous forme de présentations graphiques visant à sensibiliser davantage les responsables au problème du SIDA et à mettre en place l'appui nécessaire pour des activités de prévention et de soin efficaces.
AimmanF.pdfEl Modelo de Impacto del SIDA, conocido como AIM, es un programa de computadora para calcular proyecciones del impacto de la epidemia de SIDA. Puede usarse para proyectar el número futuro de infecciones de VIH, casos de SIDA y muertes por SIDA, sobre la base de una suposición sobre el predominio de VIH entre los adultos. También puede proyectar los impactos demográficos y sociales del SIDA. Luego, estas proyecciones pueden usarse en presentaciones gráficas de política diseñadas para ampliar el conocimiento del SIDA entre los responsables de asentar políticas y forjar apoyo para una prevención y atención eficaz.
AimmanS1.pdfPlanning for comprehensive reproductive health programs has been hampered by a lack of tools to relate program actions to goals. Although most countries have developed or are developing reproductive health action plans (RHAP), there are many challenges to this work. Some of the biggest challenges are how to answer the following questions: • How much funding is required to achieve the goals of the RHAP? • What goals are feasible (for indicators such as unintended pregnancies, maternal mortality ratio, abortions)? • How should we allocate the available resources to best achieve these goals? Allocate is a tool that can be used to answer some of these questions. It examines the linkages and interactions between three main areas of a representative RHAP: family planning, safe motherhood, and post-abortion care. It summarizes output from other Spectrum models on one summary screen. Allocate then provides a mechanism to re-allocate and/or increase budgets for each of the various models, with resultant impacts shown on the summary screen.
AlloManE.pdfPOLICY, GNP+ and GTZ collaborated to develop new tools to increase PLHA involvement in the Global Fund CCMs. "Challenging, Changing, and Mobilizing: A Guide to PLHIV Involvement in Country Coordinating Mechanisms" is a handbook developed for use by PLHA already working on HIV/AIDS with some prior knowledge of the Global Fund. The handbook includes information on the Global Fund and CMM basics, how to be an effective CCM member and how to improve CCMs through the greater involvement of PLHAs. The handbook will be available in early 2005. The aim of the handbook is to increase and improve the meaningful participation of People Living with HIV (PLHIV) on Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs) across the world. This development will undoubtedly enhance the ability of the Global Fund to be an effective force in serving the communities most in need and will also contribute to facilitating PLHIV access to Global Fund resources. This handbook is the product of numerous consultations and input of over 400 people living with HIV (PLHIV) from more than 30 countries in every region of the world, with the vast majority of those involved living in developing countries and countries in transition. This handbook was created primarily for PLHIV who are already working on HIV/AIDS issues in their country and who have some prior knowledge of the Global Fund. It is anticipated that many in the target audience will already be involved in some aspect of work that is related to the Global Fund, perhaps through membership on a CCM, as members of networks represented on a CCM, or as sub-recipients of Global Fund grants. Some may not be directly involved at present, but may have an interest in learning more about the Global Fund and in advocating for inclusion of a network or organization on the CCM in a specific country or region.
CCM_Handbook.pdfPOLICY, GNP+ and GTZ collaborated to develop new tools to increase PLHA involvement in the Global Fund CCMs. "Challenging, Changing, and Mobilizing: A Guide to PLHIV Involvement in Country Coordinating Mechanisms" is a handbook developed for use by PLHA already working on HIV/AIDS with some prior knowledge of the Global Fund. The handbook includes information on the Global Fund and CMM basics, how to be an effective CCM member and how to improve CCMs through the greater involvement of PLHAs. The handbook will be available in early 2005. The aim of the handbook is to increase and improve the meaningful participation of People Living with HIV (PLHIV) on Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs) across the world. This development will undoubtedly enhance the ability of the Global Fund to be an effective force in serving the communities most in need and will also contribute to facilitating PLHIV access to Global Fund resources. This handbook is the product of numerous consultations and input of over 400 people living with HIV (PLHIV) from more than 30 countries in every region of the world, with the vast majority of those involved living in developing countries and countries in transition. This handbook was created primarily for PLHIV who are already working on HIV/AIDS issues in their country and who have some prior knowledge of the Global Fund. It is anticipated that many in the target audience will already be involved in some aspect of work that is related to the Global Fund, perhaps through membership on a CCM, as members of networks represented on a CCM, or as sub-recipients of Global Fund grants. Some may not be directly involved at present, but may have an interest in learning more about the Global Fund and in advocating for inclusion of a network or organization on the CCM in a specific country or region.
AdvocacyManual_Fr.pdfAn overview of the HIV/AIDS situation and policy advocacy in Latin America, this guide serves as a tool to develop strategies to advocate for sexual health policies, particularly for men who have sex with men.
LAC_ASICALguide_Portuguese.pdfLe modèle démographique de Spectrum, connu sous le nom de DemProj, est un programme informatique permettant de faire des projections démographiques pour des pays ou régions. Le programme nécessite une information sur le nombre de personnes par âge et par sexe de l'année de base ainsi que des données de l'année courante et des hypothèses futures sur l'indice synthétique de fécondité (ISF), la distribution par âge de la fécondité, l'espérance de vie à la naissance par sexe, la table type de mortalité la plus appropriée ainsi que le volume et le mode des migrations internationales (toutes ces informations sont traitées au Chapitre III). Cette information est utilisée pour projeter la taille de la population par âge et par sexe jusqu'à 150 ans dans l'avenir. Si on le souhaite, la projection peut également estimer la taille des populations urbaines et rurales. En reliant DemProj à d'autres modules de Spectrum, il est possible d'examiner l'impact démographique du SIDA (AIM), les services de planification familiale nécessaires pour atteindre les objectifs démographiques et de santé (FamPlan), les coûts et les bénéfices des programmes de planification familiale (Coûts-Bénéfices) et les impacts socioéconomiques d'une fécondité élevée et d'une croissance rapide de la population (RAPID).
DemmanF.pdfEl modelo demográfico en Spectrum, conocido como DemProj, es un programa informático para hacer proyecciones de población para países o regiones. El programa requiere información del número de personas por edad y sexo en el año base, así como los datos del año base y los supuestos futuros acerca de la Tasa Global de Fecundidad (TGF), la distribución de la fecundidad por edad, la esperanza de vida al nacer por sexo, la tabla de vida más apropiada en el modelo, y la magnitud y patrón de la migración internacional (estos datos se tratan en el Capítulo III). Esta información se usa para proyectar el tamaño de la población futura por edad y género para los 150 años siguientes. Si se desea, la proyección también puede estimar el tamaño de la población urbana y rural. Usando combinadamente el DemProj con los otros módulos en Spectrum es posible evaluar el impacto demográfico del SIDA (AIM), los requerimientos del servicio de planificación familiar para alcanzar las metas demográficas y de salud (FamPlan), los costos y beneficios de los programas de planificación familiar y los impactos socio-económicos de la alta fecundidad y el rápido crecimiento poblacional (RAPID).
DemmanR.pdfGuidelines and overview of forthcoming PLHA Handbook.
WW_WillToPay_Fr.pdfLe nouveau module de planification familiale (FamPlan, Version 4) intègre un certain nombre de changements proposés par des utilisateurs des versions précédentes de Target et FamPlan et des changements nécessaires pour répondre aux nouveaux besoins des programmes de santé de la reproduction suite aux directives de la CIPD. Premièrement, il comprend un certain nombre de nouvelles options pour fixer les objectifs des programmes (répondre aux besoins non-satisfaits, atteindre le niveau de fécondité désirée). Deuxièmement, il contient certaines modifications des équations des déterminants proches de la fécondité qui ont été mises au point grâce à toutes les nouvelles informations issues des enquêtes démographiques et de santé réalisées depuis la mise au point du cadre original. Troisièmement, le programme comprend de nouvelles options qui le rendent plus souple (par exemple, les calculs selon des âges cumulés ou des âges spécifiques) et, enfin, a été reécrit dans Windows et intégré au système Spectrum des modèles de politiques dans le cadre du Projet POLICY.
FampmanF1.pdfEl nuevo módulo de planificación familiar (FamPlan, Versión 4) incorpora diversos cambios sugeridos por los usuarios de versiones anteriores de Target y FamPlan, así como cambios necesarios para satisfacer las necesidades nuevas de los programas de salud reproductora de acuerdo con las pautas ICPD. En primer lugar, incluye diversas opciones nuevas para fijar las metas del programa (satisfacer una necesidad sin satisfacer, lograr la fecundidad deseada). En segundo lugar, contiene ciertas modificaciones de las ecuaciones de los factores determinantes inmediatos de fecundidad que se han desarrollado de la abundante información nueva de derivada de Demographic and Health Surveys [Encuestas Demográficas y de Salud] desde que se desarrolló el diseño original. En tercer lugar, el programa incluye algunas opciones nuevas para que sea más flexible (por ejemplo, el cálculo en base a edad total o edad específica). Por último, el programa ha sido redactado de nuevo en Windows e integrado en el sistema Spectrum de modelos de política bajo el Proyecto POLICY.
FampmanS.pdfIt is through advocacy—a set of targeted actions in support of a specific cause—that a supportive and self-sustaining environment for family planning and reproductive health goals can be created. This training manual was prepared to help representatives of NGOs and other formal groups of civil society form and maintain advocacy networks and develop effective family planning/reproductive health advocacy skills. The manual's tools and approaches can be used to affect FP/RH policy decisions at the international, national, regional, and local levels. The manual is based on the principle that advocacy strategies and methods can be learned. The building blocks of advocacy are the formation of networks, the identification of political opportunities, and the organization of campaigns. The manual includes a section on each of these building blocks, with specific subjects presented in individual units. Units within each section contain background notes, learning objectives, and handouts. While the manual can be used in its entirety, it is designed to be used in sections depending on the particular needs of the network. The manual promises to be a useful and practical tool for NGOs and other organizations committed to improving the quality of family planning and reproductive health programs.
AdvocacyManual_esp.pdfGoals is intended for use by national programs to explore the effects of different funding levels and patterns on national goals. It is generally implemented by a multi-disciplinary team composed of participants with various areas of expertise (demography, epidemiology, health finance, planning) representing different aspects of society (government, civil society, private sector, donors). A technical team works together to implement the model for the first time. Then the model is used in interactive workshops with planners and stakeholders to explore the effects of different program configurations on the provision of care and support and the prevention of new HIV infections. Through this interaction participants gain a better understanding of the dynamics of funding and impact. This prepares them to develop realistic budgets and goals that reflect their priorities.
Goals.pdfAn overview of the HIV/AIDS situation and policy advocacy in Latin America, this guide serves as a tool to develop strategies to advocate for sexual health policies, particularly for men who have sex with men.
GUIA_HSHps.pdfGuidelines and overview of forthcoming PLHA Handbook in Vietnamese
PLHA_CCMvt.pdfGuidelines and overview of forthcoming PLHA Handbook.
PLHA_CCM.pdfGuidelines and overview of forthcoming PLHA Handbook.
PLHA_CCMru.pdfGuidelines and overview of PLHA Global Fund Handbook.
PLHA_CCMth.pdfA study of the print media in Cambodia in 2003 found that HIV/AIDS reporting was often sensationalistic or voyeuristic, displaying little respect for the dignity of people living with HIV/AIDS who were usually depicted as victims or objects of sympathy. This resource has been developed as a result of recognition that there was no media guide to meet the growing demands of reporters covering the increasingly complex HIV/AIDS issues.
toolkit.cfmIn many countries around the world, the majority of new infections are occurring in women, particularly adolescents and young adults. Developing appropriate responses to the gender issues that continue to make both women and men vulnerable to HIV is critical to all efforts to prevent HIV transmission, improve care and support for PLWHA and their families, and mitigate the impacts of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. This publication provides program planners with practical, field-based insights on integrating gender into HIV/AIDS programs. The publication's guidelines, examples of promising responses, and analysis of gaps emerged from in-depth interviews with nearly 60 program officers from USAID and its partners during 2001 and 2002. The Gender and HIV/AIDS Task Force of the Interagency Gender Working Group supplemented insights gained from these interviews with other literature reviews to produce this synthesis document.
learning.cfmGoals permet aux programmes nationaux d'étudier l'impact que peuvent avoir différents niveaux et modes de financement sur les objectifs nationaux. Il est généralement appliqué par une équipe pluridisciplinaire composée de spécialistes de tous horizons (démographie, épidémiologie, finance sanitaire, planification) représentant différents aspects de la société (gouvernement, société civile, secteur privé, donateurs). Une équipe technique collabore à la mise en place initiale du modèle. Ce dernier est ensuite utilisé au sein d'ateliers interactifs par les planificateurs et les parties intéressées dans le but d'étudier les effets que telle ou telle configuration de programmes peut avoir sur la prestation des services de soins et d'assistance et sur la prévention des nouvelles infections à VIH. Grâce à cette interaction, les participants parviennent à mieux comprendre la dynamique du financement et de l'impact des programmes. Ils sont ainsi mieux préparés pour formuler des budgets et des objectifs réalistes, qui reflètent leurs priorités.
Goals-French.pdfEl modelo de Goals debe ser utilizado por programas nacionales con el fin de explorar qué efectos tienen los diversos niveles y patrones de financiación sobre las metas nacionales. Por lo general, la instrumentación corre a cargo de un grupo multidisciplinario integrado por participantes con distintos antecedentes (demografía, epidemiología, finanzas para la salud, planificación) que representan los diversos aspectos de la sociedad (gobierno, sociedad civil, sector privado, donantes). Un equipo técnico trabaja estrechamente para instrumentar el modelo por primera vez. Posteriormente, el modelo se emplea en talleres interactivos con planificadores y partes interesadas para explorar qué efectos producen las diversas configuraciones del programa sobre la atención, apoyo y prevención de nuevas infecciones del VIH. Mediante dicha interacción, los participantes adquieren un mejor entendimiento de la dinámica de la financiación y su impacto. Ese taller los prepara para crear presupuestos y metas realistas que reflejen sus prioridades.
Goals-Spanish.pdfIt is through advocacy—a set of targeted actions in support of a specific cause—that a supportive and self-sustaining environment for family planning and reproductive health goals can be created. This training manual was prepared to help representatives of NGOs and other formal groups of civil society form and maintain advocacy networks and develop effective family planning/reproductive health advocacy skills. The manual's tools and approaches can be used to affect FP/RH policy decisions at the international, national, regional, and local levels. The manual is based on the principle that advocacy strategies and methods can be learned. The building blocks of advocacy are the formation of networks, the identification of political opportunities, and the organization of campaigns. The manual includes a section on each of these building blocks, with specific subjects presented in individual units. Units within each section contain background notes, learning objectives, and handouts. While the manual can be used in its entirety, it is designed to be used in sections depending on the particular needs of the network. The manual promises to be a useful and practical tool for NGOs and other organizations committed to improving the quality of family planning and reproductive health programs.
AdvocacyManual.pdfThis document serves as a supplement to Networking for Policy Change: An Advocacy Training Manual, a resource for trainers of family planning and reproductive health advocacy issues worldwide. The training manual includes information on networking, communications, and policy environments; exercises on conceptualizing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating advocacy campaigns; and relevant materials for advocates working in any area of reproductive health. Trainers can use the training techniques employed in the manual in various contexts, including when maternal health is the focus of advocacy. In creating this series of supplements and training modules, the POLICY Project recognizes that certain reproductive health topics require specific information that goes beyond the examples and materials included in the original manual. Maternal health is one of those issues. As with any area, there are special concerns that must be addressed when talking about advocacy for maternal health. The goal of maternal health is to ensure that every woman has access to a full range of high-quality, affordable sexual and reproductive health services especially maternal care and treatment of obstetric emergencies to reduce deaths and disabilities. Issues surrounding pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period are integrally related to the status of women, and their ability to seek health care. Maternal health is a human right and must be underpinned by laws and policies that support effective action to increase women’s access to basic education, adequate nutrition, economic resources, as well as appropriate health services.
MH_FULL.pdfGuidelines and overview of forthcoming PLHA Handbook.
PLHA_CCMsp.pdfThe prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) model is a computer program that evaluates the costs and benefits of intervention programs to reduce vertical transmission of HIV. As part of the intervention, the PMTCT model contains seven possible treatment choices: long course ZDV; short course ZDV following the Thailand, PETRA Arm A, and PETRA Arm B regimens; intrapartum and neonatal ZDV only; the HIVNET 012 regimen of single dose nevirapine to the mother and child; and universal nevirapine (nevirapine provided to all women and children at the time of delivery without checking for HIV status). In addition to these seven treatment options, the model also allows the percentage of women undergoing a Cesarean section, as well as the percentage of women that breastfeed their infants exclusively and with mixed breastfeeding and food supplements, to be specified. For each of the treatment options, PMTCT requires various data, including the costs of these interventions, and possible user fees to offset these costs. The vertical transmission rate of HIV is provided as a program default and also varies by treatment option, mode of delivery, and method of feeding.
PMTCTmnE.pdfEl modelo de prevención de la transmisión materno-infantil (PTMI) es un programa de computación que evalúa los costos y beneficios de los programas de intervención a fin de reducir la transmisión vertical del VIH. El modelo PTMI, como parte de la intervención, contiene siete opciones de tratamiento: ZDV de tratamiento largo; ZDV de tratamiento corto según los regímenes de los estudios PETRA Rama A y PETRA Rama B de Tailandia; ZDV intrapartum y neonatal únicamente; el régimen del HIVNET 012 de una dosis única de nevirapina a la madre e hijo; y nevirapina universal (nevirapina administrada a todas las mujeres y niños al momento del parto sin comprobar su condición de infección por VIH). Además de esas siete opciones de tratamiento, el modelo también permite especificar el porcentaje de mujeres con parto por cesárea, así como el porcentaje de mujeres que amamantaron a sus hijos exclusivamente y de aquellas que combinaron la leche materna con suplementos alimentarios. PTMI exige, para cada una de las opciones de tratamiento, diversos datos, incluso los costos de esas intervenciones y posibles cuotas del usuario para compensar esos costos. La tasa de transmisión vertical del VIH se incluye como valor predeterminado del programa y varía según la opción de tratamiento, tipo de parto y método de alimentación.
PMTCTmnS.pdfLe modèle de prévention de la transmission mère-enfant (PTME) est un programme informatique qui évalue les coûts et les avantages des programmes d'intervention destinés à réduire la transmission verticale du VIH. Dans le cadre de l'intervention, le modèle PTME contient sept options de traitement possible : ZDV de longue durée ; ZDV de courte durée selon le régime de Thaïlande, PETRA bras A, et PETRA bras B ; ZDV intrapartum et néonatal seulement ; formule HIVNET 012 de névirapine administrée en dose unique à la mère et à l'enfant ; et névirapine à couverture universelle administrée à toutes les mères et à tous les enfants à l'accouchement, sans vérification de leur statut sérologique. Outre ces sept options thérapeutiques, le modèle permet aussi de spécifier le pourcentage des femmes qui subissent une césarienne, ainsi que le pourcentage des femmes qui allaitent leur enfant exclusivement, ou conjointement avec une alimentation de substitution, selon le cas. Pour chacune de ces options, le modèle PTME doit disposer de différentes données, dont le coût de ces interventions et la participation éventuelle aux frais afin de compenser ces coûts. Le taux de transmission verticale du VIH est une valeur par défaut, fournie par le programme, qui varie en fonction de l'option thérapeutique considérée, du mode d'accouchement et de la méthode d'alimentation.
PMTCTmnF.pdfEl modelo RAPID fue creado para brindar proyecciones que puedan usarse como base en una presentación capaz de estimular el diálogo político acerca de la importancia de los factores poblacionales en el desarrollo económico y social.2 Por lo general, tales presentaciones intentan elevar el conocimiento de quienes toman decisiones sobre los factores poblacionales, a fin de mejorar el ambiente político para programas de población más efectivos. Como resultado, las presentaciones hechas por RAPID son diseñadas para transmitir a los encargados de formular políticas información clave en forma adecuada.
RapmanS.pdfLe modèle RAPID vise à fournir des projections qui peuvent être utilisées comme base d'une présentation de politiques pour stimuler le dialogue sur l'importance des facteurs démographiques pour le développement social et économique.2 Généralement, ces présentations visent à sensibiliser davantage les décideurs aux facteurs démographiques pour améliorer des programmes en matière de population. Par conséquent, les présentations RAPID sont conçues pour communiquer une information-clé aux décideurs sous une forme appropriée à ce public.
RapmanF.pdfThe Safe Motherhood Model (SMM) is a tool that can be used to improve the understanding of how changes in maternal health services can avoid maternal deaths. Some of the questions the model can ask are: • Where should effort be focused to yield the greatest reduction in maternal mortality? • How much would it cost to reach a certain level of maternal mortality? • How much of a reduction in maternal mortality is feasible in the next few years? • What can be learned from the performance of a similar country? The SMM estimates the impact of various scores from the Maternal and Neonatal Program Effort Index (MNPI) on the maternal mortality ratio (MMR). The MNPI is an index consisting of 81 different maternal and neonatal health services that have been evaluated by reproductive health experts around the world. The SMM uses the current scores for an individual country to represent the current situation of the delivery of these health services in a country.
SafeMoME.pdfFamily planning remains one of the most cost-effective public health measures available in developing countries. Use of family planning is associated with lower rates of maternal and infant mortality and can influence economic growth. It is an essential component in the prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV/AIDS and in adolescent reproductive healthcare programs, and it can play a role in improving gender equity. Expanding access to and improving the quality of family planning programs around the world is central to improving and maintaining the health of individuals and societies and helping them reach their full potential. The purpose of this toolkit is to assist advocates in the family planning/reproductive health fi eld in their efforts to promote policy dialogue on the health, social, and economic benefi ts of increasing access to family planning services. By tailoring the messages included in the toolkit, advocates can present culturally relevant arguments to promote family planning and birth spacing in their particular settings.
Family Planning Toolkit final.pdfTo the Other Side of the Mountain is a toolkit written for and to be used by those living with and affected by HIV and AIDS. It includes five modules focused on disclosure, the rights of people living with HIV, effective communication and facilitation, and advocacy. The goals of the toolkit are to share lessons and experiences and build the capacity of PLHIV to actively participate in the response to HIV.
Other side of the mtn_toolkit.pdf