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AIM booklet
malawi.pdfThe volume presents information on the status of RCH financing in Rajasthan. It rests on the multifaceted research endeavor that encompassed: 1) a comprehensive literature review of health financing studies in India; 2) a detailed analysis of cost recovery through Medical Relief Societies; 3) an analysis of public sector health expenditure based on a review of government budget and expenditure reports at both the state and district levels; 4) an RCH expenditure and utilization survey of 1,100 households in the district of Udaipur, Rajasthan; and 5) an inventory of public and private sector health facilities for seven districts in Rajasthan; and provider interviews on time allocation at health facilities in Udaipur, Rajasthan.
Talkpts.pdfThis book represents the voice of project staff and local counterparts alike in telling the story of progress made in Latin America in forging national and local partnerships to promote sexual and reproductive health in the context of decentralization.
egypt-co.pdfThe improved nutritional status of women, particularly during their childbearing years, is an important element of reproductive health. Efforts to improve women's nutrition and health include increasing food intake at all stages of the life cycle, eliminating micronutrient deficiencies, preventing and treating parasitic infections, reducing women's workload, and reducing unwanted fertility. This paper outlines the critical role of maternal nutrition and, in particular, micronutrients to reproductive health. The micronutrient status of women in developing countries affects their health during pregnancy and lactation, the outcomes of their pregnancies, and the health of their infants. For women who are vitamin and nutrient deficient, improving micronutrient intake can be an important means of reducing maternal morbidity and mortality. Micronutrient malnutrition is primarily the result of inadequate dietary intake. Dietary surveys in developing countries have consistently shown that multiple micronutrient deficiencies, rather than single deficiencies, are common, and that low dietary intakes and poor bioavailability of micronutrients account for the high prevalence of these multiple deficiencies. Recent evidence concerning increased micronutrient supplementation suggests the following findings: Enhancing vitamin A intake reduces maternal mortality. Increasing calcium and magnesium intake can reduce the risk of death from eclampsia. Ensuring adequate intake of iron, zinc, iodine, calcium, magnesium, and folic acid during pregnancy can improve pregnancy outcome. Increasing the intake of folic acid before pregnancy can reduce birth defects. Providing zinc, calcium, and magnesium supplements during pregnancy can improve birthweight and reduce prematurity, especially among high-risk women. Improving the maternal intake of many nutrients directly enhances the quality of breast milk. In addition, micronutrients play an essential role in the function of the immune system, and deficiencies in them influence the rate, duration, and severity of infections. Infection rates during pregnancy or lactation, including reproductive tract infections, increase because of deficiencies in iron, vitamin A, and zinc. Also, low serum vitamin A levels in pregnant women have been associated with increased transmission of HIV to infants and with increased transition from HIV to AIDS and increased mortality from AIDS among infants. The consequences of malnutrition affect the ability of women to sustain work and care for their families. Solutions to prevent or eliminate micronutrient malnutrition include nutrient supplementation of women of childbearing age before and after pregnancy through repeated reproductive cycles. Combined supplements are usually more effective in improving micronutrient status than single supplements, since women are usually deficient in more than one micronutrient. In addition, universal or targeted food fortification, which has proved cost-effective, can be an important strategy in preventing micronutrient malnutrition.
wps-05.pdfThe need to meet the family planning needs of men and women, coupled with dwindling donor resources, is forcing family planning programs worldwide to confront increasingly difficult financial challenges. One option for expanding the resource base for family planning and reproductive health services in developing countries is to promote the growth of the commercial family planning sector. Using DHS data for 45 countries, this paper demonstrates that (1) the commercial sector plays an important role in national family planning markets, even in countries where contraceptive prevalence is low; and (2) the commercial family planning sector does not always develop coincidentally as prevalence grows or as programs mature. If the commercial sector does not necessarily gain market share as prevalence grows, what factors account for differences in commercial market shares across countries? This paper examines three sets of factors to explain variations in commercial market share across countries: Microeconomic or household factors. Characteristics of individuals, such as ability to pay or knowledge of contraception, may make them more likely to use the commercial sector. Macroeconomic or business climate factors. Characteristics of a country and its economy may lead to a larger commercial market share for contraceptive services and commodities. Programmatic factors. Characteristics of a family planning program, such as government support and method mix, may lead to a larger commercial market share. The commercial market share for family planning is related to many factors, which can be grouped in two categories: external factors, over which there is no control, such as per capita income and the level of urbanization, but which can be exploited or understood as a program constraint; and programmatic factors, which are under the direct or indirect control of the program, such as public sector pricing or program effort. The cross-national analysis shows that broad-based purchasing power, improved knowledge of reproductive health, critical densities of population, and appropriate public policy are each associated with relatively strong commercial sectors. This paper recommends that public health policymakers take steps to integrate the commercial sector into their programs by developing economic and policy environments supportive of its expansion. In many countries, family planning has been provided as if it were a public good. Large public programs were designed to expand service delivery in public sector facilities, while limited attention was paid to growth of the commercial sector, likely assuming commercial sector share would grow as a consequence of growth in general public interest in family planning. This study identifies factors for which key policy support may be able to generate increased use of the commercial sector for family planning.
wps-06.pdfThe purpose of this paper is to familiarize policymakers with market segmentation analysis and its role in supporting more efficient and effective resource use. Specifically, the paper summarizes how market segmentation analysis helped initiate public/private dialogue to guide resource allocation decisions in four countries: Turkey, India, Morocco, and Brazil. In Morocco and Turkey, market segmentation analysis results were central to public/private reproductive health finance discussions and guided public sector decisions to concentrate resources more heavily on the most vulnerable and needy population groups. In Brazil and India, market segmentation analysis findings helped guide reproductive health finance discussions between donors and the private sector that led ultimately to private sector expansion.
wps-07.pdfThe countries that agreed to the ICPD Programme of Action face a tremendous challenge in its implementation. Additional funds will help; however, in the face of scarce resources, countries also need to find ways to make existing resources go further. As countries strive to implement the reproductive health initiatives to which they agreed at Cairo, many are also undertaking health sector reform, a set of sweeping initiatives that affects all components of health, including decentralizing the management and provision of care, concentrating resources on cost-effective interventions (often through minimum or essential services packages), improving the performance of providers, expanding the role of the private sector, shifting the function of central ministries of health and improving their regulatory capacity, broadening financing, and shifting donor financing to support sector-wide health programs rather than vertical programs, such as family planning. Reproductive health initiatives and health sector reform share the goals of equity and quality. The question of interest to those working in reproductive health is whether the reform measures aimed at increasing efficiency will be sufficient to ensure universal access to high-quality reproductive health services by 2015, as outlined in the ICPD Programme of Action. This paper reviews evidence that addresses the question of the complementarity of reproductive health initiatives and health sector reform. Decentralization: While decentralization is sound in theory, it is not easy to implement in practice and may take as long as 10 to 20 years. Thus, the effect of decentralization on health care, including reproductive health care, is unclear. While some experiences with decentralization have been favorable, central governments have often transferred responsibility to local administrative levels without planning properly for implementation and without allocating adequate resources. In fact, existing human and technical resources are often underdeveloped at the local level. Decentralization may not promote equity, at least not in the short term. Local areas may have variable access to resources; thus, residents of poorer areas may receive less care than residents of wealthier areas. The need is clear for further analysis of health and equity outcomes related to decentralized management and provision of reproductive health. Integration: The ICPD promoted integration of services to ensure greater responsiveness to meeting clients' reproductive health needs. In the context of health sector reform, integration is more broadly defined; to reformers, integration of reproductive health as envisioned at the ICPD is just another vertical program. Integration is best suited for services targeted to a similar clientele, for example, family planning linked with postpartum services. A few examples of successful integration of reproductive health services can be found, most notably in programs of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). Since ICPD, family planning and STD/HIV/AIDS are the two main reproductive health components that have undergone integration, particularly in Africa. However, many family planning clinics are not equipped to offer services for the detection and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and staff members are not properly trained. Essential Services Packages: Under health sector reform, more and more countries are implementing minimum or essential care packages of cost-effective interventions designed to reduce the burden of disease among the population. Essential services packages developed to date have generally included reproductive health components. Making Better Use of Existing Program Capacity: More efficient, high-quality care could attract additional clients for reproductive health services and thus save money. Without improvements in quality, however, utilization of reproductive health services may suffer, particularly if cost-recovery schemes are introduced. Further evaluation is required to determine whether improvements in quality (as distinct from the availability of drugs) will lead to increased demand for services, which, in turn, can translate into increased revenue. Evaluation of operational policies, including those affecting the provision of reproductive health services, often uncovers procedures that involve unnecessary and burdensome steps. Streamlining operational policies could make services more efficient. In addition, medical and other service barriers often inflate the cost of services. Many countries are updating their service delivery guidelines to reflect the recent international consensus on more streamlined but medically safe protocols for contraceptive and reproductive care. Role of Public and Private Providers: Health sector reform promotes separation of the financing of services from the provision of services. In theory, governments should delegate service provision to organizations closer to communities, including local governments and the private sector, if one exists. Family planning programs have had some success in encouraging wider participation of the private and commercial sectors in service provision. Ministries of health should focus on sector management by developing legal and regulatory frameworks that direct the actions of both local governments and private providers and promote preventive care. Many countries regulate the behavior of private health providers and the distribution of drugs; enforcement of regulations, however, is another matter. If governments remain in the business of service delivery, including reproductive health care, they should ensure a "level playing field" by providing similar subsidies and incentives to the private sector and NGOs as they provide for public sector services. Broadening Health Care Financing: Results of initiatives in cost recovery, particularly the use of user fees, have been mixed, even for family planning. Some studies show that small increases in user fees do not affect health care utilization rates, particularly if quality of care (and drug availability) is improved. Other studies, however, have shown that user fees have adversely affected women and children, forcing them to forgo needed health care. Some countries are seeking to promote equity in health care through prepayment schemes and risk-sharing mechanisms. Sector-Wide Assistance Programs: Donors and international financial institutions are testing various sector-wide assistance programs (SWAPs) to support health sector reform, in order to move from a narrow project focus to a sectoral focus and to help establish joint instead of donor-driven priorities. As with other aspects of health sector reform, SWAPs are not easy to implement and tend to function best in politically and economically stable environments, conditions absent in many developing countries. Discussion: Health sector reform is complex and to be successful, requires time, political commitment, an initial investment of resources, and a favorable policy environment. Without proper planning and implementation, reform is unlikely to be successful and may even waste resources. Within the context of health sector reform, several challenges exist in the design and implementation of reproductive health programs, including setting priorities, costing integrated services, determining new approaches for financing and providing services, and redefining the roles of central maternal and child health (MCH) and family planning divisions. With few current examples of successful reform positively affecting reproductive health programs, it is too soon to say whether health sector reform will promote efficient, effective, and equitable reproductive health care delivery, or whether reforms will result in the neglect of reproductive health in the face of other pressing health care issues. It is imperative that reform processes, including the reform of reproductive health services, be monitored, documented, and evaluated. Equity and access issues often get lost in the details of implementing programs to increase efficiency. Those involved in reproductive health programs, including client advocates at the local, national, and international levels, need to be "at the table" when decisions on reforms are made. In addition to promoting more efficient programs and services for reproductive health, those involved in decision making must ensure that equity and access to high-quality services are primary goals of reform programs if the ICPD Programme of Action is to be achieved.
op-04.pdfThis study estimated the impact of unwantedness and number of children on several measures of child health, specifically focusing on illness, treatment, and preventive care. The findings of this research (1) provide strong support for the notion that unwanted children suffer health consequences; (2) provide strong evidence in favor of measures to help parents attain their family size goals; and (3) recommend that governments strengthen vaccination programs to ensure 100 percent coverage and that they promote medical treatment for all children in case of illness.
pm-04.pdfGiven the scarcity of resources available to implement the ICPD Programme of Action, this paper assesses effective interventions and their cost for three main components of reproductive health: family planning, safe motherhood, and STD/HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment. The paper also suggests some of the economic criteria governments can use to determine the role of the public sector in providing and/or financing reproductive health services. Family Planning Ensuring that individuals have access to a range of family planning methods and related information can help reduce unwanted pregnancy and thus maternal mortality. Promotion of condoms can help prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Family planning is most effectively provided through a range of channels, including clinics, community-based distribution, social marketing programs, and the private sector. Comparing the costs of service delivery approaches is problematic in that each channel tends to serve different clients. Contraceptive methods involve a range of costs; IUDs and sterilization tend to be the least expensive methods per couple-year of protection (CYP), although both have high "up-front" costs. The pill tends to be the least expensive supply method. Family planning, however, is most effective if a range of methods is available so that clients can select a method that matches their needs. One solution to the scarcity of resources may be for governments to subsidize all contraceptive methods for the poor and only lower cost methods for other groups and to require users to pay for the incremental cost of more expensive methods. Safe Motherhood An estimated 40 percent of pregnant women develop complications that require the assistance of a trained provider; 15 percent require medical care to avoid death or disability. Good prenatal care is important; given current screening tools, however, it is not prudent to spend resources on screening as the sole mechanism for predicting women's risk of developing complications. Instead, prenatal care should, among other activities, educate all women about danger signs, possible complications, and where to seek help. Micronutrient supplementation, including vitamin A, iron, folic acid, zinc, and calcium, show promising results in helping to improve pregnancy outcomes and reduce maternal mortality. The most crucial interventions for safe motherhood are to ensure that a health worker with midwifery skills is present at every birth, that transportation is available in case of emergency, and that quality and timely emergency care is available at the referral level. It is not only important that adequate access to emergency care be available but that women, families, and the community have confidence in the referral system and higher levels of care. Communities use emergency obstetric care services that they know to be functioning well. Nearly two-thirds of maternal deaths occur in the postpartum period; therefore, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that, if possible, community health workers visit women not attended at birth within 24 hours of delivery and again within three days. In many low-income countries, effective and safe postabortion care can significantly reduce maternal mortality rates by as much as one-fifth. Furthermore, such care can reduce overall health care costs as it is not uncommon for most beds in emergency gynecology wards to be occupied by women suffering from abortion complications, the treatment of which can cost five times the annual per capita health budget. The high cost of postabortion care can be reduced by switching from sharp curettage to manual vacuum aspiration (a safer and less expensive method), establishing referral systems and links with family planning and other reproductive health services, and preventing abortion through family planning. Substantial additional resources may not be required to improve emergency obstetric care. Most of the cost of providing such care is already paid through the maintenance of hospitals, health centers, and health care staff. Instead of creating new medical facilities and hiring new staff, emergency obstetric care can be improved by renovating existing facilities and training staff, including midwives and general practice physicians. STD/HIV/AIDS The best combination of STD/HIV/AIDS activities and services is general information and education, improved health-seeking behavior for STD treatment, wide access to condoms, and STD services with focused attention to core transmitters. WHO advocates the use of the syndromic management approach to managing STDs. This approach has limitations, however. It functions well for men with symptomatic urethral discharge and for women with genital ulcer disease, but not for women with vaginal discharge. The women who receive medical attention are often overtreated with drugs. More work is needed to develop cost-effective approaches to screening and treating reproductive tract infections. There are promising treatments to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV. Nevirapine has recently been shown to reduce transmission dramatically from mothers to infants at a fraction of the cost of treatment with Zidovudine (AZT) (US$4 compared with US$100), although universal HIV screening is not part of prenatal care in many developing countries and would raise the cost of prevention. Maternal syphilis diagnosis and treatment is also cost-effective. Blood screening for HIV/AIDS in high-prevalence areas has proven cost-effective. HAART (highly active antiretroviral therapy) for HIV/AIDS-infected individuals presently costs about US$8,000 to US$10,000 per person. Governments and donors will not be able to cover the cost of such treatment. In many developing countries, less than 1 percent of people living with AIDS will ever be treated, even if all reproductive health donor funds were allocated for that purpose. Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) and Behavior Change Communication (BCC) IEC and BCC have the potential to be highly effective in helping promote good reproductive health. Properly executed, IEC and BCC can encourage individuals to take preventive measures to protect their reproductive health as well as seek appropriate reproductive health services. IEC and BCC activities warrant government support if they convey appropriate messages to target audiences and are associated with services already in place. In the absence of these conditions, IEC and BCC activities are not only ineffective but also give rise to unsatisfied demand. Some Economic Criteria for Governments to Use in Deciding Whether They Will Provide and/or Fund Services From an economic standpoint, governments should intervene in reproductive health care if intervention increases efficiency and productivity in the health sector. Governments should redistribute resources to ensure equitable access to reproductive health services by all individuals. Governments should subsidize activities with large external or social benefits that go beyond the individual. Governments must regulate all sectors to ensure high-quality care and equitable access to reproductive health services. Government services are rarely more efficient than private sector services. Governments should encourage development of the private sector and provide subsidies to the poor so that they can afford needed services. To encourage development of the private sector, governments should provide similar subsidies to all providers (rather than only to government providers) either directly or through income transfers to individuals so that consumers can choose their own provider, thereby spurring competition and, it is hoped, better quality services for all. Governments should not provide subsidies to those able to pay for reproductive health services. Growing evidence suggests that some users, particularly in middle-income countries, can pay for family planning, maternal health, and postabortion care services. After reviewing implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action, the international community has reached consensus that certain basic services should be provided at the primary health care level and subsidized for those who cannot afford to pay for them. In low-income countries, where most individuals are too poor to pay for services, evidence suggests that it would be desirable for governments to subsidize family planning services, prenatal care that includes physical examinations, postpartum provision of family planning information and services, and postabortion services. In addition, skilled attendance at delivery and a functioning referral system and emergency care are essential to reduce maternal mortality. As for STD/HIV/AIDS, resources should be focused on prevention activities such as promotion and distribution of condoms to prevent STDs, STD treatment for high-risk groups, improved health-seeking behavior for STD treatment, and maternal syphilis treatment. Where HIV screening is part of prenatal care, provision of Nevirapine or AZT for infants of HIV-positive mothers may be feasible. While governments should strive to ensure that their citizens have access to reproductive health services as agreed at the ICPD and ICPD+5, policymakers will have to begin with a narrower set of interventions consistent with current resource and capacity levels and decide how to phase in additional services as resources become available. It is clear that a substantial amount of work on costing interventions and services and measuring their effectiveness is necessary before we can say, with greater assurance, what combination of services works at the most reasonable cost. Data collected in one country or service delivery setting may not apply in others, and further research is needed. Still, while the data are not comprehensive or perfect, policymakers and others can use the information at hand to help make difficult decisions, especially on what to provide to low-income clients through public sector facilities or financing.
op-05.pdfThis brief examines the extent to which the 1994 ICPD has shaped reproductive health policies and programs in Bangladesh, Ghana, India, Jamaica, Jordan, Nepal, Peru, and Senegal. Within their unique social, cultural, and programmatic contexts, the eight countries have made significant progress in placing reproductive health on their respective national health policy agendas. The progress illustrated by the case studies is a logical beginning for defining and adopting reproductive health policies and principles, while building political and popular support. However, whereas well-established reproductive health services, such as family planning and maternal and child health, have remained high priorities, the case studies indicate that a continued effort will be required to place more sensitive issues, such as gender-based violence and reproductive rights, on the policy agenda. In addition, in some countries, a greater level of participation and political support for reproductive health may need to be cultivated before the countries are able to advance to the next crucial stage of implementation. Countries also need sufficient financial resources to implement the expanded reproductive health programs and services envisioned by the ICPD—resources that most respondents suggested were not immediately forthcoming.
pm-05.pdf1998, le Réseau de recherche en santé reproductive
op-06fr.pdfThe 1994 Cairo International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) increased worldwide focus on reproductive health. Many countries have been working to revise their reproductive health policies in accordance with the ICPD Programme of Action. In 1998, the Network for Reproductive Health Research in Africa (RESAR), with support from the POLICY Project, conducted case studies in five Francophone African countries-Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, and Mali-to examine field experiences in formulating and implementing reproductive health policies. Findings were based on in-depth interviews with key informants active in the reproductive health field in their respective countries. Because the five countries are located in the same region, they exhibit many similarities, yet each differs slightly in the challenges it faces and the approaches it takes to confront them. In general, the five countries have made considerable progress in integrating the concept of reproductive health into policies and programs, although more needs to be done to disseminate new policies and implement effective programs. While some aspects of reproductive health generate opposition, particularly programs for youth and programs against female genital cutting, overall support for reproductive health has increased in recent years. Governments are allowing nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to participate in policy formulation, and most countries are devoting more internal resources to reproductive health. Though these changes are encouraging, continued resistance on the part of the public sector to full partnership with NGOs, as well as the varying capabilities of many NGOs, has hindered NGO participation. Moreover, countries are still highly dependent on support from international donors for their funding. Less progress has been made in program implementation than in policy formulation. Some concrete changes are apparent, but the task of converting the concept of reproductive health into a reality in the field is sure to be a long, slow process. Poverty and underdevelopment in the region are major constraints to reproductive health programs; consequently, countries must focus their efforts on priority interventions and use their existing resources more efficiently. The case studies also highlight the need to continue efforts to create broad-based support for reproductive health programs, improve coordination among stakeholders, strengthen NGOs so that they can effectively participate in the policy process, and enhance the financial sustainability of programs.
op-06.pdfThis brief examines the extent to which the 1994 ICPD has shaped reproductive health policies and programs in five Francophone African countries—Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, and Mali. All five countries have made significant progress in developing reproductive health policies, but only limited progress in implementation. This brief discusses the policy process, program implementation, financial resources, participation and coordination, and understanding of, acceptance of, and opposition to reproductive health.
pm-06.pdfThis brief reviews the main public sector adolescent reproductive health (ARH) programs in Buenos Aires, Argentina; Sao Paulo, Brazil; and Mexico D.F., Mexico, examining characteristics of ARH service facilities, factors that facilitate providers’ work, and users’ perspectives. The study provides important lessons for other countries interested in designing programs that ensure good adolescent reproductive health. It suggests that young people will respond to holistic health care and seek services where they are treated with respect and recommends providing specialized services to adolescents as part of all reproductive health programs.
pm-07.pdfThis brief summarizes findings a study on the transition from home to clinic-based services in rural Bangladesh. It documents how communities and programs are responding to policy changes in a dynamic service environment and social context; how women who previously relied on home delivery now obtain contraceptives; how clients and families are responding to NGOs’ efforts to improve quality and cost recovery; and how clients are adapting to the new program norms.
pm-08.pdfThis report contains abstracts from the Russian Federation legislative and regulatory acts (laws, decrees, executive orders, and instructions) governing the area of reproductive health, and also from draft laws currently under consideration by the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Although reproductive health issues are inevitably closely related to various areas of law (ranging from work safety to environmental law), this report focuses on the area of healthcare.
Rusrhleg.pdfThis report contains abstracts from the Russian Federation legislative and regulatory acts (laws, decrees, executive orders, and instructions) governing the area of reproductive health, and also from draft laws currently under consideration by the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Although reproductive health issues are inevitably closely related to various areas of law (ranging from work safety to environmental law), this report focuses on the area of healthcare.
RUS_RHLeg_Rus.pdfThis paper synthesizes the results of nine case studies carried out in: Andhrah Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh. The objectives of the case studies were to: 1) examine the transition from the original target system to the target free approach, and subsequently the community needs assessment approach; 2) Analyze the countrywide implementation of CNA and the impact of the new system on programme performance 3) Identify programmatic shortcomings that affected the transition, draw lessons from the experiences of implementation, and identify steps that could be taken to improve the management and performance of the new client-oriented system.
IND_CNA.pdfThe National Population Commission formulated the National Population Strategy in 1996 based on the doctrines of Islam (al share a al Islamic), the Constitution of Jordan, the National Charter, and the principles of democracy and human rights. The strategy further adheres to the values of Jordanian society and culture. This is an updated version of that strategy. It was written in the context of recent developments at the national and international levels as Jordan enters the third millennium, an era characterized by globalization, information technology, and revolutionary communication systems. This document is the product of the dedicated efforts of the National Population Commission and is to be considered as a reference for planners and for policymakers and decision makers in all areas related to population.
Jordan_NPS.pdfThis companion piece to the National RH Program, 2001-2005 document, provides information about the aggregate cost of the Program to central and local governments, as well as to non-governmental sources. It also provides more detailed information about the costs of each individual activity, thereby allowing program implementers to assess the pros and cons, as well as the feasibility of each activity.