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Family planning is a key part of Liberia’s first private sector engagement strategy, advanced during a recent workshop in Monrovia supported by USAID and HP+. “The Ministry of Health has recognized the need to engage effectively with the private sector if we are to succeed in our mission,” Assistant Minister George Jacobs told the assembled Ministry of Health staff and representatives from professional associations, federation and regulatory bodies, nonprofit organizations, and the private health sector. The strategy for 2021–23 calls for private facilities offering family planning services to have regularly trained providers, consistent with the ministry’s family planning costed implementation plan. Government approval of the strategy is expected by fall 2021. Following that, the Ministry of Health will begin implementation with a multisectoral technical working group led by the ministry’s newly designated focal point for private for private sector engagement. The group will bring together public and private sector actors, begin rollout of the strategy at county level, and undertake a master training for key ministry focal persons.
Family planning is a key part of Liberia’s first private sector engagement strategy, advanced during a recent workshop in Monrovia supported by USAID and HP+. “The Ministry of Health has recognized the need to engage effectively with the private sector if we are to succeed in our mission,” Assistant Minister George Jacobs told the assembled Ministry of Health staff and representatives from professional associations, federation and regulatory bodies, nonprofit organizations, and the private health sector. The strategy for 2021–23 calls for private facilities offering family planning services to have regularly trained providers, consistent with the ministry’s family planning costed implementation plan. Government approval of the strategy is expected by fall 2021. Following that, the Ministry of Health will begin implementation with a multisectoral technical working group led by the ministry’s newly designated focal point for private for private sector engagement. The group will bring together public and private sector actors, begin rollout of the strategy at county level, and undertake a master training for key ministry focal persons.
Family planning is a key part of Liberia’s first private sector engagement strategy, advanced during a recent workshop in Monrovia supported by USAID and HP+. “The Ministry of Health has recognized the need to engage effectively with the private sector if we are to succeed in our mission,” Assistant Minister George Jacobs told the assembled Ministry of Health staff and representatives from professional associations, federation and regulatory bodies, nonprofit organizations, and the private health sector. The strategy for 2021–23 calls for private facilities offering family planning services to have regularly trained providers, consistent with the ministry’s family planning costed implementation plan. Government approval of the strategy is expected by fall 2021. Following that, the Ministry of Health will begin implementation with a multisectoral technical working group led by the ministry’s newly designated focal point for private for private sector engagement. The group will bring together public and private sector actors, begin rollout of the strategy at county level, and undertake a master training for key ministry focal persons.
Family planning is a key part of Liberia’s first private sector engagement strategy, advanced during a recent workshop in Monrovia supported by USAID and HP+. “The Ministry of Health has recognized the need to engage effectively with the private sector if we are to succeed in our mission,” Assistant Minister George Jacobs told the assembled Ministry of Health staff and representatives from professional associations, federation and regulatory bodies, nonprofit organizations, and the private health sector. The strategy for 2021–23 calls for private facilities offering family planning services to have regularly trained providers, consistent with the ministry’s family planning costed implementation plan. Government approval of the strategy is expected by fall 2021. Following that, the Ministry of Health will begin implementation with a multisectoral technical working group led by the ministry’s newly designated focal point for private for private sector engagement. The group will bring together public and private sector actors, begin rollout of the strategy at county level, and undertake a master training for key ministry focal persons.
Family planning is a key part of Liberia’s first private sector engagement strategy, advanced during a recent workshop in Monrovia supported by USAID and HP+. “The Ministry of Health has recognized the need to engage effectively with the private sector if we are to succeed in our mission,” Assistant Minister George Jacobs told the assembled Ministry of Health staff and representatives from professional associations, federation and regulatory bodies, nonprofit organizations, and the private health sector. The strategy for 2021–23 calls for private facilities offering family planning services to have regularly trained providers, consistent with the ministry’s family planning costed implementation plan. Government approval of the strategy is expected by fall 2021. Following that, the Ministry of Health will begin implementation with a multisectoral technical working group led by the ministry’s newly designated focal point for private for private sector engagement. The group will bring together public and private sector actors, begin rollout of the strategy at county level, and undertake a master training for key ministry focal persons.