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HEP+ support came to fruition with the publication of two Guatemalan Ministry of Health (MSPAS) agreements that create new offices to support water, sanitation, and hygiene. In 2021, HEP+ provided technical assistance to an MSPAS team that assessed the flow of the water and sanitation project approval process and identified solutions through which to streamline project authorization. Following the assessment, HEP+ assisted MSPAS’s Integral Health Care Directorate with the technical, legal, and financial validation of two proposals before they were presented to MSPAS authorities. One establishes a Coordination Unit for Healthcare and Environment within MSPAS’s Integral Health Care Directorate. The other creates health authorization offices in each of the 29 health area directorates with the aim of streamlining the management of water, sanitation, and hygiene infrastructure projects in the country. With the creation of these new offices, approximately 400,000 Guatemalans from 22 different communities will have better access to potable drinking water and will benefit from future sanitation projects.
HEP+ support came to fruition with the publication of two Guatemalan Ministry of Health (MSPAS) agreements that create new offices to support water, sanitation, and hygiene. In 2021, HEP+ provided technical assistance to an MSPAS team that assessed the flow of the water and sanitation project approval process and identified solutions through which to streamline project authorization. Following the assessment, HEP+ assisted MSPAS’s Integral Health Care Directorate with the technical, legal, and financial validation of two proposals before they were presented to MSPAS authorities. One establishes a Coordination Unit for Healthcare and Environment within MSPAS’s Integral Health Care Directorate. The other creates health authorization offices in each of the 29 health area directorates with the aim of streamlining the management of water, sanitation, and hygiene infrastructure projects in the country. With the creation of these new offices, approximately 400,000 Guatemalans from 22 different communities will have better access to potable drinking water and will benefit from future sanitation projects.
HEP+ support came to fruition with the publication of two Guatemalan Ministry of Health (MSPAS) agreements that create new offices to support water, sanitation, and hygiene. In 2021, HEP+ provided technical assistance to an MSPAS team that assessed the flow of the water and sanitation project approval process and identified solutions through which to streamline project authorization. Following the assessment, HEP+ assisted MSPAS’s Integral Health Care Directorate with the technical, legal, and financial validation of two proposals before they were presented to MSPAS authorities. One establishes a Coordination Unit for Healthcare and Environment within MSPAS’s Integral Health Care Directorate. The other creates health authorization offices in each of the 29 health area directorates with the aim of streamlining the management of water, sanitation, and hygiene infrastructure projects in the country. With the creation of these new offices, approximately 400,000 Guatemalans from 22 different communities will have better access to potable drinking water and will benefit from future sanitation projects.