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The Guatemalan Registry of Legal Entities on April 5, 2022, authorized the formal registration of three HEP+ civil society partners as nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). With NGO status, the National Alliance of Indigenous Women’s Organizations for Reproductive Health (ALIANMISAR), Network of Men for Health, Education, and Nutrition (REDHOSEN), and Young Artists for Social Justice (JAxJS) can gain stronger financial security through more fundraising channels. This will contribute to the sustainability of their networks and their work to continue advocating for improved access to health, education, and nutrition services in their communities. HEP+ has provided capacity development and financial support for the advocacy activities of its civil society partners for years, and over the past year has helped the organizations navigate the NGO-registration application process. You can read more about HEP+’s efforts to strengthen CSO capacity. in our brief.
The Guatemalan Registry of Legal Entities on April 5, 2022, authorized the formal registration of three HEP+ civil society partners as nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). With NGO status, the National Alliance of Indigenous Women’s Organizations for Reproductive Health (ALIANMISAR), Network of Men for Health, Education, and Nutrition (REDHOSEN), and Young Artists for Social Justice (JAxJS) can gain stronger financial security through more fundraising channels. This will contribute to the sustainability of their networks and their work to continue advocating for improved access to health, education, and nutrition services in their communities. HEP+ has provided capacity development and financial support for the advocacy activities of its civil society partners for years, and over the past year has helped the organizations navigate the NGO-registration application process. You can read more about HEP+’s efforts to strengthen CSO capacity. in our brief.
The Guatemalan Registry of Legal Entities on April 5, 2022, authorized the formal registration of three HEP+ civil society partners as nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). With NGO status, the National Alliance of Indigenous Women’s Organizations for Reproductive Health (ALIANMISAR), Network of Men for Health, Education, and Nutrition (REDHOSEN), and Young Artists for Social Justice (JAxJS) can gain stronger financial security through more fundraising channels. This will contribute to the sustainability of their networks and their work to continue advocating for improved access to health, education, and nutrition services in their communities. HEP+ has provided capacity development and financial support for the advocacy activities of its civil society partners for years, and over the past year has helped the organizations navigate the NGO-registration application process. You can read more about HEP+’s efforts to strengthen CSO capacity. in our brief.