What We Do
Working primarily in Sindh province, HP+ Pakistan worked from 2016–2018 to improve the enabling environment for Pakistan to achieve its FP2020 goals. HP+'s technical assistance supported efforts to help the province achieve these goals through improved stewardship, policy implementation, advocacy, and accountability. Specifically, HP+:
- Supported Sindh's Population Welfare Department to launch the country's first provincial costed implementation plan for family planning
- Improved population sector stewardship by strengthening inter-departmental coordination and district-level technical committees
- Strengthened Sindh's capacity to implement FP2020-focused policies by mobilizing women leaders as champions for increased advocacy, policy communication, and accountability
- Increased the capacity of women, journalists, and male champions to advocate for improved implementation of family planning policies and programs
- Contributed to the province's achievement of family planning goals and ongoing efforts to further improve family planning policies, programs, and investments