Toward a Common Vision: Harmonizing Family Planning Priorities in Global Financing Facility Investment Cases and Costed Implementation Plans
May 30, 9:00am EDT
In most FP2020 countries, resource mobilization is a fundamental stumbling block to fully implementing their costed implementation plan (CIP) for family planning and achieving national family planning. One relatively new source of funding is the Global Financing Facility (GFF), launched in July 2015. The GFF is a mechanism designed to help leverage public funds from a country with funding from the GFF Trust, with the goal of closing the financing gap for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH-N), including family planning.
To date, the GFF has named 27 countries as eligible for funding and has set a goal of providing support to 50 countries in five years. The GFF supports these countries to develop investment cases, which describe country-selected, evidence-based priorities to help accelerate progress toward achieving their RMNCAH-N goals. Family planning stakeholders are increasingly learning how best to engage in the GFF process as a way to include family planning interventions as priorities in the investment cases.
HP+ recently conducted a review of several countries’ Costed Implementation Plans for Family Planning and Global Financing Facility RMNCAH-N Investment Cases, and conducted key informant interviews with stakeholders. The purpose of the interviews was to understand how stakeholders have engaged in the GFF process, how FP priorities have been reflected in both strategies, and their experiences and insights into how to be most effective during the prioritization processes. During this webinar, HP+ will be describing findings from the review and sharing recommendations for key actions on how to best harmonize priorities for FP in both the investment cases and CIP. The HP+ team will be joined by Reena Shukla at USAID and Brendan Hayes at the GFF secretariat to give their views on how FP stakeholders can better leverage GFF support and how use the strategic documents and their processes to inform broader health financing reform.
Speakers: Brendan Hayes, Global Financing Facility; Reena Shukla, USAID; Elise Lang, HP+; and Christine Lasway, HP+
Pérennisation des Soins Essentiels aux Communautés au Mali
Avril 25, 9h00 - 10h00 l'heure de Washington
Le webinaire s'est déroulé en français.
Les agents de santé communautaires (ASC) du Mali fournissent des services de santé essentiels aux populations situées dans des localités d'accès difficiles ou éloignées des centres de santé. Les ASC, éléments importants du programme national des Soins Essentiels dans la Communauté (SEC), couvraient en 2015, 40 % de leur population cible en leur offrant un paquet de soins et services comprenant la prise en charge des cas de paludisme simple, de diarrhée, de pneumonie, de malnutrition et de promotion de la planification familiale. Ainsi entre 2016 et 2018, les ASC ont pris en charge de plus de 450.000 cas de maladies chez les enfants de 0 à 59 mois. Bien que le SEC est quasiment financé par les partenaires externes (plus de 90% des dépenses totales en 2015), le Président de la République a déclaré que dans le cadre de la réforme du système de santé, le Mali va créer un réseau d'ASC à travers le pays et la rémunération des ASC sera prise en compte dans le budget. La pérennisation des SEC/ASC est essentielle pour aller vers la Couverture Sanitaire Universelle au Mali. Ce webinar présentera comment, en utilisant les résultats d'une série d'analyses de coûts de Health Policy Plus (HP+), que HP+ et ses partenaires font le plaidoyer pour une transition progressive des sources externes de financement vers les sources de financement nationales nécessaires à la pérennisation du programme SEC.
Présentateurs: Birama Djan Diakité, HP+; Sidi Cissé, USAID/Mali; and Dr. Oumou Diarra Maiga, Ministère de la Santé et de l’Hygiène Publique, Direction Générale de la Santé du Mali
Sustaining the Essential Care in the Community Program in Mali
April 25, 9:00am - 10:00am EDT
The webinar was conducted in French.
In Mali, community health workers (CHWs) provide essential health services to people who live in hard-to-reach areas or far from health centers. In 2015, CHWs through the national Essential Care in the Community (ECC) program, covered 40% of the target population by offering a package of care and services that included the management of uncomplicated cases of malaria, diarrhea, pneumonia, and malnutrition and the promotion of family planning. Between 2016 and 2018, CHWs managed more than 450,000 cases alone of illness in children from 0 to 59 months. Although the ECC program is almost fully funded by external partners, the President of the Republic has declared that as part of health system reforms, Mali will create a nationwide network of CHWs who will be paid by the municipalities. The sustainability of the ECC CHWs is essential in the move toward universal health coverage in Mali. This webinar will provide a briefing on how, using evidence from a series of Health Policy Plus (HP+) cost analyses, HP+ and partners are advocating for a gradual shift from external to domestic sources of funding to ensure the sustainability of the ECC program.
Speakers: Birama Djan Diakité, HP+; Sidi Cissé, USAID/Mali; and Dr. Oumou Diarra Maiga, Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene, General Direction of Health
Family Planning Models for Advocacy: Using Evidence to Guide Policy for Impact
March 20, 9:00am EDT
The use of models can bolster investment cases for health interventions and improve the evidence base for decision making, illustrating key concepts and modeling policy impacts. In this webinar, we examine three policy models developed by HP+, the DMPA-SC Impact Model, ImpactNow, and the Family Planning-Sustainable Development Goals Model (FP-SDG model), and highlight their use for family planning advocacy and achieving significant policy results. In three short vignettes, presenters introduce each model, its purpose and distinguishing features, and tell the story of how the model has been applied and used to influence policy in a country setting. In this webinar, the presentations are followed by a moderated panel discussion focusing on lessons learned with respect to utilizing simulation analyses to influence and inform policy.
Speakers: Michelle Weinberger, Technical Lead, Modeling, HP+/Avenir Health; Jay Gribble, Deputy Director, FP/RH, HP+/Palladium; Erin McGinn, Senior Technical Advisor, Health, HP+/Palladium; and Kaja Jurczynska, Demographer, HP+/Palladium
Maximizing Healthcare Resources through the Private Sector: Lessons for Countries Engaging in National Health Financing Initiatives
December 13, 9:00am EDT
Pooling financial resources through health insurance is one of the best ways to equitably fund healthcare, reduce financial barriers to access, and prevent catastrophic health expenditure. Health insurance schemes also offer the promise of a multiplicative benefit of crowding in additional resources from the private sector, improving healthcare efficiency, and bringing about economic impact well beyond the patient's health. In this webinar, HP+ showcases how the Government of Indonesia achieved these outcomes through its national health insurance scheme, Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional.
Speakers: Sayaka Koseki, HP+; Arin Dutta, HP+; and Rebecca Ross, HP+
Building Local Capacity to Improve Regional Health Information Systems
December 13, 11:00am EDT
Health information systems are a foundational piece of health infrastructure, providing governments, development partners, service providers, and communities with data to better target health interventions, allocate resources, and effectively respond to disease outbreaks. Following the 2015 Ebola epidemic, innovative and collaborative local and regional initiatives have received funding, fostering notable improvements in health information systems. One such initiative, the West African Health Informatics Team (WAHIT), led by the West African Health Organization, HP+, and USAID's Global Development Lab, is building local capacity to support digital health systems. This webinar shares the journey of establishing a regional model to build technical leadership and governance within health information systems to empower countries with high quality and timely data for decision-making and resource allocation.
Speakers: Liz Nerad, HP+; Damola Olajide, HP+, WAHIT Team Lead; and Rebecca Saxton-Fox, USAID Global Development Lab