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Civil society organizations (CSOs) are vital to Guyana’s HIV response, particularly for reaching key populations disproportionately affected by HIV and facing greater barriers to accessing services. With donor funding of CSO HIV services in decline, Guyana must define the appropriate mechanisms to support contracting CSOs for these key services. To support these efforts, HP+ conducted an analysis of specific CSO-led HIV services in Guyana—such as peer outreach, voluntary counseling and testing, support groups, and treatment support—to better understand the current costs and underlying cost drivers in delivering these services. This analysis proposes key considerations and areas for future analysis to advance the dialogue on appropriate payment modalities for implementing social contracting in Guyana and globally.
Health Policy Plus. 2018. Understanding the Costs of CSO-Delivered HIV Services for Key Populations in Guyana: Policy Implications for Social Contracting. Washington, DC: Palladium, Health Policy Plus. USAID DEC: PA-00W-F11
English PDF 570.6 kbJuly 2018
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