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As the HIV epidemic in Central Asia continues to grow, identification of people living with HIV remains a challenge. USAID/Central Asia has used several models for case finding in the Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan, including peer-driven outreach, community-mapping, and assisted partner notification for case finding, implemented by PSI, to reach people living with HIV and their sexual partners in networks of people who inject drugs. Given the lack of evidence available on the costs associated with these approaches, HP+ conducted cost-efficiency analyses in the Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan, where these models are being implemented side-by-side in PEPFAR priority provinces, to understand baseline or current costs and determine the projected costs of scaling up PSI’s case-finding models throughout each country.
Teplitskaya, L. and V. Galayda. 2019. The Rising Cost of HIV Case Finding in Concentrated Epidemics: A Cost-Efficiency Analysis for Tajikistan. Washington, DC: Palladium, Health Policy Plus.
English PDF 488.5 kbJanuary 2019
Л. Теплицкая и В. Галайда, 2019 год. «Рост стоимости мероприятий по выявлению случаев ВИЧ-инфекции в концентрированных эпидемиях: Анализ эффективности затрат для Таджикистана». Вашингтон, округ Колумбия: Palladium, Проект «Health Policy Plus».
Russian PDF 878.2 kbMarch 2019
Teplitskaya, L. and V. Galayda. 2019. The Rising Cost of HIV Case Finding in Concentrated Epidemics: A Cost-Efficiency Analysis for the Kyrgyz Republic. Washington, DC: Palladium, Health Policy Plus.
English PDF 665.7 kbFebruary 2019
Л.Теплицкая и В.Галайда, 2019 год. «Рост стоимости мероприятий по выявлению случаев ВИЧ-инфекции в концентрированных эпидемиях: Анализ эффективности затрат для Кыргызской Республики». Вашингтон, округ Колумбия: Palladium, Проект “Health Policy Plus”.
Russian PDF 645.8 kbMarch 2019
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