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There is increasing global interest among international health practitioners and the donor community to expand the private sector’s role in health markets to mobilize resources, improve efficiency, and achieve sustainability of essential health programs. However, there is still a lack of clarity around what actions governments, donors, the private sector, and Total Market Approach (TMA) practitioners can take in different country contexts to improve sustainability in markets. Some countries have advanced in incorporating TMA principles into their national strategies but have made less progress in identifying or taking specific actions to influence market dynamics. To continue to evolve TMA implementation at the country level, stakeholders will need to aggressively address market failures, regulatory barriers, and inefficiencies through deliberate actions informed by evidence and supported by planned commitments. This brief supports governments, donors, and TMA practitioners in identifying concrete market interventions that they can implement to address market distortions and gaps.
Klein, K., R. Wood, C. Cisek, and S. Koseki. 2019. From Policy to Practice: Defining Health Market Interventions within a Total Market Approach. Washington, DC: Palladium, Health Policy Plus. USAID DEC: PA-00T-SP4
English PDF 1212.1 kbJuly 2019
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