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Malawi’s large population of adolescent girls (ages 10–19) and young women (ages 20–24) represents great potential. However, these adolescent girls and young women are negatively affected by gender inequity, sociocultural norms, and harmful traditional practices. HP+ worked with the Government of Malawi to develop national- and district-level factsheets for decisionmakers to draw attention to the barriers faced by young women at home, school, and the workplace, as well as within communities and health facilities. Decisionmakers are encouraged to review the key actions outlined in the country’s National Strategy for Adolescent Girls and Young Women, which presents multisectoral, collaborative investments and strategies for addressing the unique barriers and vulnerabilities faced by these women.
Government of Malawi. 2019. Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Malawi: National- and District-Level Factsheets. Lilongwe: Government of Malawi. USAID DEC: PA-00W-4TZ
English PDF 5686.8 kbOctober 2019
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