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As Suriname develops a system of social contracting with civil society to deliver HIV services, it is important that stakeholders understand the processes for budget implementation and payments to service providers. This brief provides an overview of Suriname’s annual budget process. It can be used by civil society organizations working on the HIV response, and others, as a tool for planning advocacy activities throughout the budgeting process—from budget development to decisions on allocation to approval and monitoring by the National Assembly.
Health Policy Plus. 2019. Suriname’s Budget Process and Windows for Advocacy: A Guide to Inform Advocacy for HIV and Health Resources. Washington, DC: Palladium, Health Policy Plus. USAID DEC: PA-00W-634
English PDF 523.7 kbOctober 2019
Health Policy Plus. 2019. Het begrotingsproces van Suriname en ruimte voor belangenbehartiging Een leidraad ten behoeve van belangenbehartiging voor HIV en middelen voor gezondheidszorg. Washington, DC: Palladium, Health Policy Plus. USAID DEC: PA-00W-DZN
Dutch PDF 529.1 kbFebruary 2020
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