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This brief reports on the development of condom-specific reporting tools to ensure that public sector condom distribution data are adequately captured in the country’s DHIS2 system. Malawi’s National Condom Coordination Committee recommended the development of two new tools: 1) a facility reporting tool to capture condom distribution across departments, and 2) a partner condom reporting form to be completed by all nongovernmental organizations. The efforts to standardize condom reporting across districts, facilities, and partners represent an important milestone for Malawi’s National Condom Program. These new reporting tools are being integrated into the Ministry of Health’s HIV/AIDS Department (DHA) to better understand trends in facility- and community-based distribution of public sector condoms. In the future, it will be important to regularly analyze historical and geographic trends across districts, facilities, and distribution points. The DHA’s continued oversight and leadership in helping districts address the ongoing challenges related to condom reporting will be critical to the condom program’s long-term success.
Mapemba S. and F. Khomani. 2020. Strengthening Reporting for Malawi’s National Condom Program. Washington, DC: Palladium, Health Policy Plus. USAID DEC: PA-00W-KH8
English PDF 550.4 kbMay 2020
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