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This brief presents findings from a legal and regulatory review of legislation and guidelines governing HIV program implementation, management, and financing in Indonesia. Identifying laws and regulations related to the HIV program in Indonesia is important to understand which laws and regulations must be targeted for reform when implementing health financing and purchasing system adjustments. The brief includes specific recommended actions to allow for strategic purchasing reforms to be implemented in a way that promotes efficient, effective, and integrated HIV service delivery.
Setiawan, E., R. Soehoed, and D. Stein. 2020. Legal and Regulatory Review to Support Strategic Health Purchasing for HIV in Indonesia. Washington, DC: Palladium, Health Policy Plus. USAID DEC: PA-00X-2FP
English PDF 739.7 kbOctober 2020
Setiawan, E., R. Soehoed, and D. Stein. 2020. Tinjauan Hukum dan Regulasi untuk Belanja Kesehatan Strategis Program HIV di Indonesia. Washington, DC: Palladium, Health Policy Plus.
Indonesian PDF 605.4 kbNovember 2020
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