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This blueprint provides specific guidance to Nigeria’s 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory on how to integrate HIV services into their state health insurance schemes. The document provides recommendations on the minimum package of HIV services feasible to integrate into insurance benefits packages, appropriate payment models for providers, and purchasing arrangements, among other key considerations. Each state will be required to adapt the blueprint based on their unique contexts. It represents a significant milestone for sustainable HIV financing through the integration of HIV into health insurance, a key universal health coverage reform in Nigeria. Implementing the document’s recommendations is expected to increase financial protection for HIV patients, increase access to HIV care, and ultimately lead to improved HIV outcomes. The document was developed by the National Agency for the Control of AIDS, the National Health Insurance Scheme, and other HIV stakeholders with support from HP+.
National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA) and National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS). 2020. National Blueprint for Integration of HIV into State Health Insurance Schemes: Operational Guidance for State-Level Planning Efforts. Abuja.
English External LinkFebruary 2021
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