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Family planning offers many benefits to individuals, families, communities, and countries; however, a significant share of decisionmakers in Tanzania remain ambivalent, directly oppose, or vacillate in their support for family planning. This resource for advocates working to advance family planning in Tanzania features ready-to-use messages and evidence on family planning along five common themes. For each theme, HP+ provides illustrative opposition statements against family planning followed by counterarguments for advocates to use in response, as well as supporting evidence to back up counterarguments. The resource also includes tips for advocates, such as selecting the evidence and language most likely to respond to the interests, concerns, and needs of the decisionmaker.
This resource was updated in January 2022.
Health Policy Plus. 2022. Messages and Supporting Evidence to Make the Case for Family Planning in Tanzania: A Resource for Advocates. Washington, DC: Palladium, Health Policy Plus. USAID DEC: PA-00X-MB7
English PDF 1703.4 kbJanuary 2022
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