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This brief summarizes HP+’s work and its country and context specific approach to supporting low- and middle-income countries to identify, develop, and implement sustainable financing initiatives. It highlights HP+’s support of in-country stakeholders to facilitate their understanding of how to link data, policy development, policy implementation, and, ultimately, results—an approach that promotes collaboration and partnership from diverse groups and sectors helping ensure long-term support and sustainability. The brief presents some country examples of HP+ sustainable financing efforts across four different categories: (1) domestic resource mobilization to increase government allocation to the health sector, (2) public financial management to improve the recording and tracking of public budgets, (3) fiscal transparency and accountability to improve budget development and execution, and (4) enabling private sector investments for crowding-in private resources.
Health Policy Plus. 2021. HP+ and the Transition to Sustainability: Improving Sustainable Financing. Washington, DC: Palladium, Health Policy Plus.
English PDF 1151.4 kbJuly 2021
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