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This guide outlines an innovative, community-driven advocacy approach that can be used to facilitate local-level implementation of national policies and strategies. HP+ used this multisectoral approach to strengthen implementation of Malawi’s national youth-friendly health services strategy, developing and piloting the approach in Mangochi District. This guide is intended to enable policymakers, government institutions, implementing partners, and others to replicate, refine, and tailor the approach used by HP+ to strengthen community-level implementation of national policies and strategies. While the HP+ pilot focused on youth-friendly health services and the guide’s contents are presented in those terms, the approach can easily be applied to support local-level implementation of other national strategies.
Macheso, D., R. Mbuya-Brown, and S. Mapemba. 2021. How-to Guide: Bringing Malawi’s National Youth-Friendly Health Services Strategy to the Grassroots Level. Washington, DC: Palladium, Health Policy Plus. USAID DEC: PA-00X-VF7
English PDF 1066.7 kbSeptember 2021
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