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As part of Liberia’s efforts to engage the private health sector in the national goal of delivering essential quality healthcare, HP+ helped the Ministry of Health of Liberia develop and launch their first private sector engagement strategy. This strategy provides a framework for transparent, informed, and effective engagement between the public and private health sectors. It highlights four goals to be implemented collaboratively between public and private stakeholders that focus on expanding access, quality of care, and financial protection for clients. To implement the strategy, the Ministry of Health will establish a multisectoral private sector engagement technical working group, roll out the strategy at the county level, and train key focal persons on private sector engagement. With this strategy, the Ministry of Health is committing to ongoing, deliberate engagement with the private health sector to tackle some of the country’s most pressing needs in the coming years.
Ministry of Health, Republic of Liberia. 2021. Private Sector Engagement Strategy (2021–2023). Monrovia: Ministry of Health. USAID DEC: PA-00Z-58H
English PDF 528.5 kbOctober 2021
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