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Cambodia’s Social Protection Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Mechanism contributes to reducing poverty, vulnerability, and inequality by promoting and enhancing the effectiveness of the implementation of the National Social Protection Policy Framework. This operational manual, for which HP+ provided input, describes the flow of monitoring and evaluation, and defines Cambodia’s key social protection indicators as well as the roles and responsibilities of reporting units in accordance with the principles and regulations endorsed by the National Social Protection Council. This manual is a key document to operationalize M&E for Cambodia’s social protection programs and schemes aiming at promoting the efficiency, transparency, and effectiveness of the government’s investments in social protection.
The document is also available in Khmer (12,513 kb PDF) from the National Social Protection Council website.
National Social Protection Council. 2021. Manual for the Social Protection Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanism. General Secretariat for the National Social Protection Council. Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
English External LinkNovember 2021
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