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HP+ conducted a global landscape assessment to identify family planning digital tools that seek to improve access to and use of family planning services through financially sustainable mechanisms. The landscape assessment provides a summary of the state of digital tools for family planning, based on over 100 unique tools implemented in Africa and Asia over the past decade. It describes common characteristics of tools with a focus on three dimensions: (1) features linking users (current and potential) to providers of family planning products and services, (2) features allowing for payment or reimbursement of providers for products and services, and (3) features to overcome gender-related barriers to care. The assessment reveals a vibrant landscape leveraging a range of innovative technologies in various stages of implementation and scale-up.
In the next phase of the activity, HP+ drew on the landscape assessment, interviews with key experts and designers of select digital health tools, and a consultative expert meeting to provide guidance on how digital health tools for family planning can maximize their impact across the three key dimensions. The recommendations report delves into greater detail on key considerations, challenges, and lessons learned during the design and implementation of digital health tools for family planning.
Ugaz, J., K. Correa, and E. DeGraw. 2022. Digital Health Tools to Enhance the Uptake and Use of Contraceptives and Family Planning Services: A Landscape Assessment. Washington, DC: Palladium, Health Policy Plus. USAID DEC: PA-00Z-5H5
English PDF 1331.9 kbJanuary 2022
Ugaz, J., E. DeGraw, and K. Correa. 2022. Digital Health Tools and Family Planning: Recommendations to Enhance Their Potential across Key Dimensions. Washington, DC: Palladium, Health Policy Plus. USAID DEC: PA-00Z-5H5
English PDF 570.1 kbDecember 2022
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