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Remarkable success has been made in Nigeria to implement large-scale health reforms over the past few years thanks to the dedication of government agencies, civil society organizations, and state and local leaders and with support from HP+ and other partners. Using a multi-pronged approach—with demonstrable political commitment at every level—Nigeria continues to make impressive strides toward self-financing its health sector and expanding health insurance to and financial protections for its citizens. Generating strong evidence to guide decision making, aligning reforms with existing health financing policies, focusing on governance and accountability, and creating space for local decision making by decentralizing aspects of the health sector are helping improve the quality of care in Nigeria and expand financial protections. These core principles of coordination, capacity, evidence, and accountability are now strengthening new efforts—such as integrating HIV and tuberculosis services into state health insurance schemes—and providing important lessons for other countries seeking a path to achieving universal health coverage.
Health Policy Plus. 2021. Legacy Impact: Nigeria. Washington, DC: Palladium, Health Policy Plus. USAID DEC: PA-00Z-DFW
English PDF 1091.6 kbFebruary 2022
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