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Many countries within the FP2030 initiative have developed at least one costed implementation plan (CIP) for family planning and may have developed a subsequent CIP. A key step in performance management of CIPs is to assess what has been achieved through the CIP lifespan. In many countries, such an assessment provides the necessary information to lead into the development of the next CIP. This tool guides family planning managers and assigned monitoring and evaluation focal points for the CIP or family planning program with recommendations on when and how to conduct an end-line CIP performance review.
Health Policy Plus. 2022. Conducting a Costed Implementation Plan End-Line Review: A Guide for Stakeholders. Washington, DC: Palladium, Health Policy Plus. USAID DEC: PA-00Z-DKB
English PDF 610.6 kbJune 2022
Health Policy Plus. 2022. Réaliser la revue finale du Plan d’Action National Budgétisé. Washington, DC: Palladium, Health Policy USAID DEC: PA-021-K9N
French PDF 577.3 kbFebruary 2024
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