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HP+ assisted with the development of the new costed implementation plan, launched by the Ministry of Health, following an inclusive and participatory process involving other government ministries, nongovernmental organizations, national and international associations, the private health and non-health sector, adolescent and youth organizations, women's organizations, people living with a disability, and technical and financial partners. The plan aligns with Burkina Faso's strategic vision on birth spacing, with the ultimate goal of reducing maternal and infant mortality, controlling population growth, and contributing to the capture of a demographic dividend.
Ministère de la Santé. 2022. Plan National de Planification Familiale 2021-2025 du Burkina Faso. Burkina Faso : Ministère de la Santé. USAID DEC: PA-00Z-HP3
French PDF 2365.3 kbAugust 2022
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