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HP+ conducted this analysis to support Madagascar's government in scaling up its community-based health insurance, or mutuelles. Drawing on global literature, the analysis (currently available in French) presents the parameters, advantages, and disadvantages of mutuelles operating in four African countries. It also provides recommendations to encourage the government of Madagascar to address key issues within the health financing landscape and implement a mutuelles model that builds upon its existing health insurance system. The report will be shared with key stakeholders, including government entities, donors, and partners.
Akin-Olugbade, L., J. Saracino, E. Ramamonjisoa, T. van Bastelaer. 2022. Bonnes pratiques en matière de mise en place et d'opérationnalisation des mutuelles de santé : Considérations pour Madagascar. Washington, DC : Palladium, Health Policy Plus. USAID DEC: PA-00Z-HP6
French PDF 1393.4 kbAugust 2022
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