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HP+ aims to improve the enabling environment for equitable and sustainable health services, supplies, and delivery systems by advancing health policy, advocacy, financing, and governance in family planning. Critical to achieving that goal is an understanding of how gender norms and inequalities influence the policy environment and resulting family planning outcomes. This brief summarizes an assessment that examined the extent to which gender was integrated into a sample of HP+ activities that were supported by USAID’s Office of Population and Reproductive Health. As part of the assessment, HP+ examined strengths and gaps in the project’s gender integration efforts and identified recommendations to strengthen policy, financing, and governance approaches to better address gender inequalities and improve family planning outcomes.
Health Policy Plus. 2022. How is Gender Integrated into HP+ Policy Efforts? Washington, DC: Palladium, Health Policy Plus. USAID DEC: PA-00Z-JG3
English PDF 1384.5 kbAugust 2022
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