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HP+ is supporting PEPFAR country teams to conduct legal environment assessments (LEAs) and develop advocacy reform plans to address LEA findings, in a process called HIV Policy Scan and Action Planning. In Ghana, where HIV prevalence among key populations remains disproportionately high, HP+, conducted a policy scan and action planning activity which focused on stakeholder-prioritized policies relevant to the requisition and distribution of HIV test kits between the government of Ghana and civil society organization (CSO) testing implementers and private providers, and CSO engagement with the government.
Zapfel, A. and K. Beardsley. 2018. Ghana HIV Policy Scan and Action Plan: Improving the Supply of HIV and Tuberculosis Commodities for Civil Society Implementers and Private Providers. Washington, DC: Palladium, Health Policy Plus. USAID DEC: PA-00N-85Q
English PDF 735.7 kbNovember 2017
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