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The Key Populations Challenge Fund (KPCF) project aimed to improve the quality of and access to stigma-free HIV testing and counseling (HTC) services for key populations. The KPCF project was a joint interagency initiative between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, with ICF International acting as implementing partner focusing on HTC; and USAID, who partnered with the Health Policy Project (HPP) to implement the project’s stigma reduction component. Through this initiative, HPP delivered two-day stigma-reduction trainings between February and April 2015 to three health facilities in Jamaica: St. Jago Park Health Center in South East Region, Port Antonio Health Centre in North East Region, and Mandeville Health Center in Southern Region.
In preparation for additional programmatic roll-out and evaluation of S&D-reduction activities beyond these three healthcare facilities under PEPFAR and USAID funding, Health Policy Plus (HP+) conducted a rapid retrospective qualitative assessment of the KPCF stigma-reduction intervention. This rapid review aimed to elicit insights into which elements of the intervention worked well, which did not, and how the approach and materials could be improved for future roll-out of S&D reduction activities in healthcare facilities. Findings from the rapid assessment are presented in this summary report.
Stockton, M., L. Nyblade, S. McLeish, and B. O’Connor. 2016. Rapid Assessment of the Jamaica Key Populations Challenge Fund (KPCF) Stigma-reduction Training. Washington, DC: Palladium, Health Policy Plus. USAID DEC: PA-00M-B1S
English PDF 1047.7 kbAugust 2016
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