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The Family Planning CIP Costing Tool helps countries understand the costs associated with implementing the detailed roadmap of family planning activities outlined their costed implemention plan (CIP). The tool was developed to both standardize the CIP costing approach across countries and to streamline a sometimes complex process by which countries revise inputs as they update commitments and implementation strategies. The tool is Excel-based and includes pre-loaded equations, making it easier and quicker for new users to generate data.
The tool can be used at the national level—and at subnational levels where lower-level CIPs have been developed—to help policymakers, decision-makers, partners, and donors better plan and advocate for an effective family planning strategy. A complementary gap analysis function is integrated into this tool to compare the cost of activities with available funding.
Health Policy Plus. 2017. Family Planning CIP Costing Tool User Guide. Washington, DC: Palladium, Health Policy Plus. USAID DEC: PA-00M-PKR
English PDF 1975.6 kbApril 2017
Health Policy Plus. 2017. Family Planning CIP Costing Tool. Washington, DC: Palladium, Health Policy Plus. USAID DEC: PA-00M-PKR
English XLSX 30600.6 kbNovember 2017
Health Policy Plus. 2017. Outil de Budgétisation du PANB en Planification Familiale: Guide de l’Utilisateur. Washington, DC: Palladium, Health Policy Plus.
French PDF 2567.8 kbJune 2017
Health Policy Plus. 2017. Outil de Budgétisation en Planification Familiale du PANB. Washington, DC: Palladium, Health Policy Plus.
French XLSX 30264.9 kbJune 2017
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