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Countries have developed costed implementation plans (CIPs) for family planning (FP) using a variety of approaches and tools. As the CIP becomes a more common tool for planning and mobilizing resources, standardization of its format and development process can help promote accountability and ensure that all key components are considered. The following checklist presents recommended thematic areas and standards to guide overall CIP development. These areas include demand creation; service delivery and access; contraceptive security; policy and enabling environment; financing; and stewardship, management, and accountability.
Originally developed under the Health Policy Project, this checklist is included in the updated CIP Resource Kit.
Health Policy Project. 2015. Costed Implementation Plans for Family Planning Standard Elements Checklist. Washington, DC: Palladium, Health Policy Project.
English PDF 200.9 kbFebruary 2017
Health Policy Project. 2015. Plans d’Application Chiffrés pour la Planification Familiale: Liste de Contrôle Standard pour les Eléments. Washington, DC: Palladium, Health Policy Project.
French PDF 292.8 kbFebruary 2017
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