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Fostering better understanding of a costed implementation plan (CIP) for family planning among multisectoral stakeholders is critical for successful implementation of the plan. This document provides talking points to engage non-health sector stakeholders with implementing the CIP and communicates the impact a CIP can have on other sectors. The talking points can be modified for use in developing and implementing a CIP communications strategy, which can help ensure that communications efforts are aligned and that resources are being used efficiently.
Citation: Health Policy Plus. 2017. Communicating with Multisectoral Stakeholders about Costed Implementation Plans. Washington, DC: Palladium, Health Policy Plus. USAID DEC: PA-00N-83P
English PDF 470.4 kbNovember 2017
Health Policy Plus. 2017. Communiquer aux parties prenantes multisectorielles sur un Plan d’Action National Budgétisé. Washington, DC: Palladium, Health Policy Plus. USAID DEC: PA-00S-TS7
French PDF 829.8 kbJanuary 2018
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