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Our five-part series on concrete tools, models, and methods to help countries accelerate progress toward meeting 95-95-95 goals includes presentations on:
Click the links for abstract information on the specific presentation.
Strengthening the HIV treatment cascade is critical as countries strive to meet the newly-set 95-95-95 targets. While these targets emphasize improved identification, treatment, and viral suppression, there are many intermediate steps and critical support interventions that are needed to reach these milestones. How do we ensure we are prioritizing interventions that have the greatest impact on strengthening the cascade, and what are the costs of implementing those interventions? This webinar is an opportunity for HP+ to present its analytical approach to evaluating and costing HIV treatment cascades in multiple countries, including Ghana, Kenya, and Indonesia. The webinar included presentations from other implementing partners working to strengthen HIV treatment cascades and a moderated panel discussion.
Cantelmo, C. B., R. Granich, B. Patenaude. 2018. "Best Practices in Cascade Analytics and Costing as Steps to 95-95-95." Webinar PowerPoint presentation for USAID. February 1. USAID DEC: PA-00S-WMH
English PDF 1284.7 kbFebruary 2018
Klindera, K., K. Beardsley, A. Zapfel. 2018. "HIV Policy Scan and Action Plan." Webinar PowerPoint presentation, January 23. USAID DEC: PA-00S-TMK
English PDF 817.3 kbJanuary 2018
Amanyeiwe, U., S. McLeish, A. Reid, H. Gough, J. Patrick, and J. Knight-Johnson. 2018. "HP+ Jamaica Positive Health, Dignity, and Prevention (PHDP)." Webinar PowerPoint presentation, January 31. USAID DEC: PA-00S-TMD
English PDF 863.9 kbFebruary 2018
Kripke, K. 2018. "HP+/Project SOAR Oral PrEP Modeling." Webinar PowerPoint presentation, January 16. USAID DEC: PA-00S-WMJ
English PDF 683.0 kbJanuary 2018
Berry, A., L. Nyblade, S. McLeish, M. Balampama, and N. Addo. 2018. "How to Engage with Health Facilities to Reduce HIV-related Stigma and Move Closer to Test and Treat Goals." Webinar PowerPoint presentation, January 31. USAID DEC: PA-00S-WMQ
English PDF 628.4 kbFebruary 2018
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