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The West African Regional Dakar Declaration formalizes commitments from justice, health, and police sectors to collaborate to improve access to and use of HIV services by key populations. In Mali, HP+ provided technical support to Mali’s National High Council to Fight Against AIDS to create a “roadmap” for implementing activities to support HIV programs for key populations that are inclusive of health, police, and justice stakeholders. The roadmap breaks down commitments into actionable items, promoting accountability and transparency in the fight against HIV. This roadmap is instrumental to clearly defining priority actions to ensure improved health services and reduced stigma for key populations as part of the movement toward achieving Mali’s commitment to UNAIDS’ 90-90-90 goals.
Haut conseil national de lutte contre le SIDA. 2018. La Feuille de Route du Mali Issue de la Déclaration de Dakar. République du Mali. USAID DEC: PA-00S-WPM
French PDF 954.4 kbMarch 2018
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