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Madagascar is committed to benefit from the demographic dividend—the accelerated economic growth that can result from changes in the age structure of a population. To reap the benefits of this dividend, countries must implement integrated programs to promote the required demographic changes and invest in the economy and human capital development. To this end, HP+ worked with a multisectoral group of stakeholders in Madagascar to apply the DemDiv model, a user-friendly, evidence-based tool that can inform policymakers in high-fertility countries of the potential benefits of the demographic dividend and increase their support for investments in the multisectoral policies required to achieve those benefits. Application of the model provided evidence to encourage Madagascar to invest in policy reform and interventions for youth, family planning, education, and the economy.
Moreland, S. and O. Ralidera. 2018. Contribuer à l’atteinte du Dividende Démographique à Madagascar. Washington, DC: Palladium, Health Policy Plus. USAID DEC: PA-00T-18K
French PDF 829.6 kbApril 2018
Moreland, S. and O. Ralidera. 2018. “Dividende Démographique à Madagascar.” PowerPoint Presentation. USAID DEC: PA-00T-18M
French PDF 765.8 kbApril 2018
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