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Burkina Faso's National Plan for Accelerating Family Planning 2017–2020 is a strategic costed implementation plan developed with technical support from HP+ with a clear vision, strategic objectives, and plan to achieve national family planning goals. The Ministry of Health, with support of technical and financial partners, developed this roadmap to accelerate efforts around family planning and increase the modern contraceptive prevalence rate to 32 percent by 2020. This plan is intended to contribute to a decline in population growth, improvement of maternal and child health, and economic and social development of the country. It is also a tool for resource mobilization and monitoring and evaluation of the activities proposed. A detailed monitoring and evaluation plan was also developed to measure progress against planned results.
Ministère de la Santé. 2017. Plan national d’accélération de planification familiale du Burkina Faso 2017-2020. Burkina Faso : Ministère de la Santé. USAID DEC: PA-00T-6H7
French PDF 2401.3 kbMay 2018
Ministère de la Santé. 2019. Plan de suivi-évaluation du Plan National d’Accélération de Planification Familiale 2017-2020 du Burkina Faso. Burkina Faso : Ministère de la Santé. USAID DEC: PA-00W-KKF
French PDF 487.2 kbMay 2020
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