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Has Indonesia’s National Health Insurance Scheme Improved Family Planning Use?
Given the limited evidence available on trends in family planning coverage since JKN’s introduction, this brief explores mCPR and modern method mix over time using household survey data. The study provides insight to the key policy question of whether JKN has improved use of key interventions in Indonesia—specifically family planning services—in the three years since its launch.
Has Indonesia’s National Health Insurance Scheme Improved Access to Maternal and Newborn Health Services?
Despite several policy and program changes, maternal and newborn health (MNH) outcomes have stagnated in Indonesia and several challenges surrounding quality of MNH care persist. This analysis focuses on how access to MNH services has changed since the implementation of JKN. HP+ analyzed changes in access to MNH services through several perspectives: (1) understanding the patient’s perspective and whether access to skilled birth attendance and facility-based deliveries has improved since JKN; (2) examining the influence of JKN in improving capacity of private hospitals to provide MNH services; and (3) analyzing whether JKN’s hospital expenditure on MNH services is equitable across geographies.
Options to Finance the Rapid Scale-Up of the HIV Response in Indonesia: The Role of the National Health Insurance Scheme (JKN) and Local Governments
With anticipated decreases in external funding, there is a need to assess domestic capacity to finance the proposed rapid scale-up of Indonesia's HIV response. HP+ and Indonesia's Ministry of Health considered what aspects of HIV service delivery could be incorporated into the national health insurance scheme (JKN) and associated financial implications to the scheme. Further, HP+ assessed the role local governments would need to play to support the provision of specific HIV services not covered by JKN.
Teplitskaya, L. and A. Dutta. 2018. Has Indonesia’s National Health Insurance Scheme Improved Access to Maternal and Newborn Health Services? Washington, DC: Palladium, Health Policy Plus. USAID DEC: PA-00T-6XH
English PDF 1650.5 kbJuly 2018
Teplitskaya, L., R. Ross, and A. Dutta. 2018. Has Indonesia’s National Health Insurance Scheme Improved Family Planning Use? Washington, DC: Palladium, Health Policy Plus. USAID DEC: PA-00T-4PC
English PDF 1146.1 kbJune 2018
Teplitskaya, L. and A. Dutta. 2018. Apakah Skema Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional Indonesia Meningkatkan Akses ke Layanan Kesehatan Ibu dan Bayi Baru Lahir? Washington, DC: Palladium, Health Policy Plus. USAID DEC: PA-00T-7Q7
Indonesian PDF 1528.5 kbJuly 2018
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